Jean Alazard

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Jean Marie Albert Alazard (born August 5, 1887 in Lacalm , Aveyron department ; died October 3, 1960 in Chaudes-Aigues , Cantal department ) was a French art historian , professor of art history at the University of Algiers and director of the Museum of Fine Arts in Algiers .

Live and act

Alazard first attended the Lycée in Chaumont (Haute-Marne) and then went to Paris to complete his school education at the Lycée Louis-le-Grand there. He then studied until 1910 at the University of Lyon until the Agrégation in history. He specialized in art history. On the advice of his mentor Émile Bertaux , Alazard chose a topic from Italian art history for his doctoral thesis. In 1912 he went to the Institut français in Florence on the recommendation of Bertaux . He later became Secretary General of the Institute and stayed in Florence until 1921. In autumn 1921 he left Italy and went to the University of Algiers. With his two dissertations he received his doctorate at the Sorbonne in 1924 ("Doctorat d'Etat", corresponds to the habilitation ) and then Maître de conférences at the University of Grenoble . In 1924 he was first maître de conférences, later professor at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Algiers, where he taught art history. In 1946 he became dean of the faculty, and in 1957 he retired.

At the same time, he became curator at the Municipal Museum of Algiers in 1926 and from 1930 to 1957 was curator and director of the resulting Museum of Fine Arts in Algiers, which he co-founded (today: Musée National des Beaux-Arts d'Alger in French ). He expanded the museum extensively, in particular with works by painters from the École d'Alger .

His main field of research was the art of Italy, especially the Renaissance. In addition to a four-volume work on Italian art ( L'art Italy ), he wrote a. a. Studies on Perugino , Giotto , Piero della Francesca and Fra Angelico and a history of the portrait in Florence from Sandro Botticelli to Agnolo Bronzino . Many of his contributions have appeared in magazines, for volumes 10 and 11 (1914–1915) of the General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present , he wrote articles. Alazard also published numerous works on Orientalism in France and North Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries. But he also published on historical topics, such as the role of Italy during and after the First World War.


Fonts (selection)

  • L'Italie et le conflit européen (1914-1916) . Alcan, Paris 1916 ( ).
  • Communisme et fascio en Italie . Editions Bossard, Paris 1922 ( ).
  • Essai sur l'évolution du portrait peint à Florence: de Botticelli à Bronzino . Laurens, Paris 1924, OCLC 490303156 (dissertation at the Philosophical Faculty of the Sorbonne).
  • L'abbé Luigi Strozzi: correspondant artistique de Mazarin, de Colbert, de Louvois et de La Teulière. Contribution à l'étude des relations artistiques entre la France et l'Italie au XVIIe siècle . Librairie ancienne E. Champion, Paris 1924, OCLC 556731950 (Supplementary dissertation at the Philosophical Faculty of the Sorbonne).
  • Le portrait florentin de Botticelli à Bronzino. Laurens, Paris 1924 (English translation The Florentine Portrait. Nicholson and Watson, London / Brussels 1948 ).
  • Pérugin. Biography critique. Laurens, Paris 1927.
  • L'Orient et la peinture française au XIXe siècle d'Eugène Delacroix à Auguste Renoir . Plon, Paris 1930, OCLC 431925860 .
  • Le Musée des beaux-arts d'Alger. In: Bulletin des Musées de France. 2, 1930, pp. 183-210.
  • Giotto. Biography critique. Laurens, Paris 1937.
  • Catalog des peintures et sculptures exposées dans les galeries du Musée national des beaux-arts d'Alger . Laurens, Paris 1939 ( ).
  • L'art italy. Laurens, Paris 1949–1960.
    • L'art Italien des origines à la fin du XIVe siècle. 1949.
    • L'art Italy au XVe siècle, le Quattrocento. 1951.
    • L'art Italy au XVIe siècle. 1955.
    • L'art Italy de l'ère baroque au XIXe siècle. 1960.
  • La Venise de la renaissance. Hachette, Paris 1956.


  • Allocution prononcée par M. le pasteur Marc Boegner à l'occasion des décès de MM. Jean Alazard and Pierre Arminjon, correspondant de l'Académie. In: Revue des travaux de l'Académie des Sciences morales et politiques. 1960, pp. 172-174.
  • Henri Temerson: Biographies des principales personnalités françaises décédées au cours de l'année 1960. Paris 1961, p. 9.
  • Jean Alazard. Souvenirs et mélanges. Laurens, Paris 1963 (with a list of the most important writings).
  • Roger Benjamin: Alazard and the Centenary Building . In: Orientalist Aesthetics: Art, Colonialism, and French North Africa, 1880–1930 . University of California Press, Berkeley 2003, ISBN 0-520-92440-1 , pp. 259 ff . ( - excerpt).
  • Nabila Oulebsir: Alazard, Jean . In: Les Usages du patrimoine. Monuments, musées et politique coloniale en Algérie, 1830–1930 . Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris 2004, ISBN 2-7351-1006-0 , p. 320–322 ( - reading sample).
  • François Pouillon: Alazard, Jean . In: Dictionnaire des orientalistes de langue française . Karthala Editions, Paris 2008, ISBN 978-2-84586-802-1 , pp. 8–9 ( - excerpt).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Isabelle Renard: L'institut français de Florence (1900-1920). Rome 2001, ISBN 2-7283-0579-X , p. 152.
  2. ^ Journal officiel de la République française 1924, p. 7547.
  3. correspondants étrangers élus depuis 1795th
  4. Overture solennelle des cours. Université de Liège 1957, p. 28 ff.