Jean Eric Rehn

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Alexander Roslin : Jean Eric Rehn, 1756

Jean Eric Rehn (born May 18, 1717 in Stockholm ; † May 19, 1793 ) was a Swedish architect , artist and designer .


Jean Eric Rehn's training began in the military, where he was involved in the manufacture of uniforms . At the age of 23 he moved to Paris , where he studied etching , among other things . He made hunting scenes there based on models by Jean-Baptiste Oudry and Willem Hondius .

Rehn as an industrial designer

After returning home in 1745, Rehn signed a contract with Carl Hårleman to produce samples for the royal silk, wool and linen factories. For a fixed annual wage, he was to use all the French methods he had learned and which he saw as useful for the Swedish factories.

In addition to this work, Rehn created drawings for other industrial objects as well as designs for jewelers and cabinet makers like Georg Haupt . He designed porcelain for the Rörstrand factory , wallpaper for the French wallpaper weavers employed by the court, as well as engravings and drawings for various medals. Rehn was a drawing teacher for Crown Prince Gustav and his brothers and later also for Crown Prince Gustav Adolf . He taught at the Swedish Art Academy , where he opened an engraving section.

Rehn at the Swedish court

Design for the library at Drottningholm Palace, 1767

With financial support from Queen Luise Ulrike , Rehn went on a study trip to France and Italy with the painter Johan Pasch in 1755 . The trip lasted 16 months, during which they lived in Rome for half a year . After his return, Rehn was appointed court manager and professor at the art academy.

In the time after that he was very busy with work on behalf of the court, such as Queen Luise Ulrike's additions to Drottningholm Palace (library, natural history cabinet) and redesigns at Gripsholm Palace (White Hall, Queen's bedchamber), which Gustav III. were directed. In 1772 he created new decorations for the salon of the Ballhaustheater ( Bollhusteatern ) in Stockholm Palace, as well as carriages and the like.

Rehn's first works reflect the Rococo style imparted by Carl Hårleman . But soon he went over to a form of expression that was in France under Louis XVI. had formed and which developed into the Gustavian style in Sweden . Some authors see Rehn as the real originator of the Gustavian style.

Rehn as an architect and caricaturist

Rehn's architectural work was of lesser importance. Among other things, he created drawings for the castles Stora Väsby and Österby in Uppland and for Ljung Castle in Östergötland . In Stockholm he designed the now defunct Suthersche House on Adolf-Friedrich-Platz (today: Mariatorget ) and the unfinished Johanneskirche . This church with a round dome was originally intended to have a classic temple front, but construction, which began in 1783, was carried out a year later by Gustav III. stopped who wanted a church based on the Italian model.

Rehn was deputy head of the art academy from 1773 to 1789. He worked as an engraver until the end of the 1780s when his work on ancient buildings was created in Rome.

After Johan Tobias Sergel , Rehn was the most active caricaturist of his time. After Rehn's death, Sergel designed his memorial plaque with a portrait medal in the Klara Church in Stockholm.


Web links

Commons : Jean Eric Rehn  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files