Evdokiya Ivanovna Loseva

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Evdokija Ivanovna Lossewa (WA Serow, 1903, Tretyakov Gallery )

Evdokija Ivanovna Lossewa , born Jewdokija Ivanovna Tschischowa , ( Russian Евдокия Ивановна Лосева , birth name Russian Евдокия Ивановна Чижова ; * 1880 ; † 1936 ) was a Russian painter and collector.


Evdokija Ivanovna came from the Moscow aristocratic family Tschischow. She married the chemist and military engineer Michail Lukitsch Lossew (1851–1912), with whom she had three daughters: Nina (1899–1976), Sergeja (1900–1980) and Marina (1901–1985). Guests in her home at the Moscow Subowski Bulwar 8 were Konstantin Yuon , Nikolai Ge , Alexander Blok , Igor Severyanin , Georgi Ivanovich Chulkov , Nikolai Berdyaev , Mikhail Gershenzon , Vladislav Khodasevich and Vyacheslav Ivanov .

Lossewa studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture with KF Juon and took lessons with Valentin Alexandrovich Serov , who portrayed her in 1903 . Lossewa's paintings were exhibited in the Moscow Salon in 1915, 1916 and 1917, and after the October Revolution in further exhibitions in 1918, 1919 and 1921. She collected Russian paintings , some of which she gave to the Russian Museum in the 1920s .

Nikolai Dmitrijewitsch Bartram (Evdokija Ivanovna Lossewa, 1920s)

After her husband's death in 1912, she married the artist Nikolai Dmitrijewitsch Bartram , with whom she had worked since 1905 and whom she supported as a collaborator in his work for the preservation and development of Russian folk toys . She took part in socio-political life. In 1917 and 1918, with the February and October revolutions, she financed the magazine Narodoprawstwo . Together with Bartram, she organized the toy museum , which opened in 1918 in her four-room apartment in Moscow on Smolenski Bulwar and was directed by Bartram. The exhibition has been steadily expanded with objects from nationalized mansions . She created the only portrait of Bartram. In 1925 the toy museum was housed with Bartram as director in the Khrushchev Selesnjow mansion on Moscow's Pretschistenka , built by Domenico Gilardi . They conducted courses in artistic toys and opened a workshop for them in 1929. In 1931 the museum got its final location in Sagorsk opposite the Trinity Monastery . Lossewa was a research assistant at the museum, led excursions and prepared guides.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Путеводитель по русским ремёслам: Евдокия Лосева (accessed January 8, 2019).
  2. a b c d Стерлигова И. А .: О Марине Михайловне Постниковой-Лосевой . In: Искусство христианского мира. Сборник статей . 5th edition. Moscow 2001, p. 338-347 .
  3. Оглоблин В. Н .: Памяти Михаила Лукича Лосева . In: Известия Общества для содействия улучшению и развитию мануфактурной промышленности . tape 16 , no. 11 , 1912.
  4. Российская музейная энциклопедия. Т. 2 . Moscow 2001, p. 107 .
  5. Большая российская энциклопедия: БАРТРА́М Николай Дмитриевич (accessed January 8, 2019).