Joachim Otto Adolph von Bassewitz

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Joachim Otto Adolph Graf von Bassewitz (born March 5, 1717 in Prebberede , † June 30, 1791 in Lübeck ) was a Danish politician and Lübeck cathedral dean.


He came from the old Mecklenburg family von Bassewitz . His father was Henning Friedrich Graf von Bassewitz , his brother Carl Friedrich Graf von Bassewitz . His first marriage was to Henriette von Wuthenau , widowed von Oppen , and his second marriage to Ida von Sperling . The marriages were childless. He owned the goods Wohrenstorf , Weitendorf and Horst. For this he created the Count of Bassewitz family senior council (Wohrenstorf). He was a Royal Danish Privy Councilor , Electoral Saxon Chamberlain and Rittmeister. Bassewitz was a knight of the Royal Danish Danebrog Order .

Bassewitz Chapel in Lübeck Cathedral

From 1733 he studied in Rostock. As early as 1729 he had become canon of Lübeck , later he became cathedral dean and thesaurarius . In 1787 he acquired a burial chapel in Lübeck Cathedral , in which he was later buried. In the chapel there are three sandstone sarcophagi and two memorial tablets made of black marble by the sculptor Hieronymus Hassenberg . Above the Latin portal inscription is the coat of arms of Count Bassewitz.

His prebend went to his nephew Bernhard Friedrich von Bassewitz .


  • Johannes Baltzer , Friedrich Bruns: The architectural and art monuments of the Free and Hanseatic City of Lübeck. Issued by the building authorities. Volume III: Church of Old Lübeck. Dom. Jakobikirche. Aegidia Church. Verlag von Bernhard Nöhring, Lübeck 1920, pp. 9–304. Unchanged reprint 2001, ISBN 3-89557-167-9
  • Wolfgang Prange : Directory of the canons. In: Ders .: Bishop and cathedral chapter of Lübeck: Hochstift, principality and part of the country 1160-1937. Lübeck: Schmidt-Römhild 2014 ISBN 978-3-7950-5215-7 , p. 408 No. 347

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b European genealogical manual by Christian Friedrich Jacobi, Gottlob Friedrich Krebel , p. 291
  2. a b c Adolph Graf von Bassewitz; From the life of Count Henning Friedrich von Bassewitz with some news about the Bassewitz family of the Wendish line, undated, 1859
  3. ^ Scientific articles on the history and regional studies of East Central Europe, issue 88, Johann Gottfried Herder Institute, 1970, p. 354
  4. European genealogical handbook by Christian Friedrich Jacobi, Gottlob Friedrich Krebel , Leipzig 1756, p. 197
  5. Matriculation Rostock ( Memento of the original from June 17, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. ^ Genealogisches Reichs- und Staats-Handbuch: auf d. Year 1798, Frankfurt am Mayn, p. 453
  7. BuK, p. 72 ff.
  8. ^ Inscription with translation by Adolf Clasen : Misunderstood treasures: Lübeck's Latin inscriptions in the original and in German , Lübeck 2003, p. 93. ISBN 3-7950-0475-6