Joachim von Wedel

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Joachim von Wedel (born July 2, 1552 in Blumberg ; † 1609 ; also Joachim von Wedell ) was a German landowner and annalist. His house book by Joachim von Wedel is a source on the history of Pomerania .


Joachim von Wedel was born as a member of the Wedel family in 1552 on his father's Blumberg estate . His father was Otto von Wedel, his mother Gertrud a née von Eickstedt . From 1569 he studied at the University of Greifswald and at the University of Frankfurt (Oder) . In 1574 he took over Blumberg. In 1576 he married Ilse von Arnim, daughter of Otto von Arnim. The marriage resulted in nine sons and six daughters. In 1587 he built the castle in Blumberg as a new house. In addition to one or two not preserved writings, he wrote the so-called house book of Joachim von Wedel. In 1604 he became a knightly district administrator . In 1609 he died.

House book of Joachim von Wedel

Wedel wrote a work that should contain the main events that occurred between 1500 and 1606 in Pomerania . This work, known as Joachim von Wedel's house book, is based for the first part of the 16th century on Pomerania written by Thomas Kantzow , and for the later period on Wedel's own perception. At that time it was an important source for the history of Pomerania . It was not intended for publication, but only for one's own family.

Soon after Joachim von Wedel's death, however, historians made extensive use of his house book, such as Paul Friedeborn in his Historical Description of the City of Alten-Stettin (1613) and Daniel Cramer in the Great Pomeranian Church Chronicle (1628).

In his Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie , the historian Gottfried von Bülow points out that Joachim von Wedel “was always a child of his time who saw and judged things with the eye and understanding of that time”. Bülow cites the depiction of the bankruptcy of the Loitz bank as an example of Wedel's “lopsided judgment” . Although the real cause of the bankruptcy was the insolvency of the Polish Crown against Pomerania in 1572, Wedel blamed the Loitz family and thus painted a false picture that prevailed until the 19th century. Another example is his understanding of the roles of the sexes, which manifests itself in particular in his criticism of the Wolgast duchess Sophia Hedwig .

The Pomeranian landowner and historical researcher Julius von Bohlen provided a complete copy of the house book as volume 161 in the library of the Litterarian Society in Stuttgart (1883).


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  1. Johannes Hinz : Pomerania. Signpost through an unforgettable country. Flechsig-Buchvertrieb, Würzburg 2002, ISBN 3-88189-439-X , p. 61.
  2. Monika Schneikart: The "Regiment" of the Dowager Duchess Sophia Hedwig von Pommern-Wolgast (1561-1631). Mother of the country or "women rule". In: Baltic Studies . NF Volume 98 (2012), pp. 31-50.