Jochen Lepper

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Jochen Lepper (* 1941 ) is a German geologist .

From 1961 Lepper studied geology in Freiburg im Breisgau and Würzburg and received his diploma in Würzburg in 1967. In 1970 he received his doctorate in Würzburg . Until his retirement he was at the Lower Saxony State Office for Soil Research , where he was entrusted with mapping and engineering geological investigations for the new ICE line from Hanover to Kassel and then responsible for stones and earth as raw materials in southern Lower Saxony (including the Weserbergland).

It deals with geology of the Weserbergland (. Eg Solling , Reinhard Forest ), natural stones especially from Lower Saxony ( Weser sandstone ), red sandstone -Stratigraphie and geology of Zimbabwe and with Quaternary.

Lepper is an eligible member of the German Stratigraphic Sub-Commission Perm-Triassic and chairman of its working group for red sandstone.


  • On the structure of the Solling vault. In: Geological Yearbook A. Volume 51, 1979
  • Geological and geological survey of the area around Holzminden . In: 1985 yearbook for the Holzminden district. Holzminden 1986, pp. 3-6
  • Geological hiking map of the Central Weser Uplands with the Solling-Vogler Nature Park 1: 100,000 (with explanations), Naturhistorische Gesellschaft Hannover 1991 (and supplement, Naturhistorische Gesellschaft Hannover 1991, 58 pages)
  • The Lower Saxony natural stone with special consideration of the Weser sandstone. In: New archive for Lower Saxony. Volume 43, 1994, pp. 35-41
  • The Hanover cliffs . In: Yearbook District Höxter 1994. pp. 99-105
  • Natural stone in Lower Saxony. In: Journal of Applied Geology. Volume 43, 1997, pp. 3-10
  • The Weser sandstone - a historical building material. Occurrence, material aspects, use. In: Reports on the preservation of monuments in Lower Saxony. Volume 20, 2000, pp. 129-132
  • with D. Uhl: Remnants of fern from the red sandstone of Bad Karlshafen (Weserbergland) - find report. In: Ber. Naturhist. Ges. Hanover. Volume 143, Hannover 2001, pp. 19-26
  • A sandstone base. The geology of the Reinhardswald. In: Hermann-Josef Rapp: Reinhardswald. A cultural story. Euregioverlag 2002, pp. 103-133
  • with Heinz-Gerd Röhling , Dietrich Rambow: The red sandstone in the Stratigraphic Table of Germany 2002. In: Newsletters on Stratigraphy. Volume 41, 2005, No. 1-3, pp. 129-142.
  • with Anette Richter: stones on a leash. Natural stone in the cityscape of Hanover. Schweitzerbart 2010
  • with Michaela Dominik: Stoneware from 500 million years of geological history in the Laatzen Park of the Senses. Schweitzerbart 2012 (description of the rocks in the rock garden of the Park of the Senses created for the Expo 2000)
  • Editor with Heinz-Gerd Röhling , Dietrich Rambow for the sub-commission Perm-Trias: Stratigraphie von Deutschland XI: Buntsandstein, series of publications of the German Geosciences Society, Schweitzerbart 2014

Geological maps 1: 25,000 from Karlshafen (sheet 4322, 1976), Sarstedt (sheet 3725, 1984) and Uslar (sheet 4323, 1977) come from Lepper .

Individual evidence

  1. Short biography at Euregio Verlag
  2. New results of lithostratigraphic-facial detailed investigations in the border area Middle / Upper Buntsandstein between Fulda and Neckar. Dissertation, University of Würzburg, 1970.
  3. ^ The lower Karoo in the Mid-Zambesi-Basin (Zimbabwe). In: Geological Yearbook B. Volume 82, 1992
  4. Jochen Lepper, Marion Homann: The Cromer profile of Sohlingen (southern Lower Saxony). In: Geologisches Jahrbuch A. Volume 134, 1994, pp. 211-228
  5. ^ Subcommission for Permian Triassic Stratigraphy , accessed April 12, 2015.