Jochen Steuerwald

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Jochen Steuerwald (born March 13, 1967 in Kirchheimbolanden ) is a German church musician and regional church music director (LKMD) of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate (Protestant regional church) .


Steuerwald studied church music in Stuttgart as a scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation . He completed his training with Marie-Claire Alain . After his first full-time position in Stuttgart-Feuerbach, he became head of the Evangelical Youth Choir of the Palatinate as well as the monastery and district cantor in Landau in the Palatinate in 1995 . In 2001 he was appointed church music director . On February 1st, 2008 he was appointed as the successor of Udo R. Follert as regional church music director of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate. In this position he directs the Evangelical Youth Choir of the Palatinate, the Evangelical Oratorio Choir of the Palatinate (formerly "Palatinate Singing Community") and the Corona Palatina Chamber Orchestra.

Audio documents

  • 1999: A rose has sprung up. Christmas choir and wind music from five centuries - Evangelical youth choir of the Palatinate with the Palatinate Trumpet Service
  • 2003: Jesus, my joy. Organs in the Protestant church district of Landau - Jochen Steuerwald, organ (charity CD for the benefit of the new Landau collegiate church organ)
  • 2003: Go out, my heart. German folk songs from four centuries - Evangelical youth choir of the Palatinate
  • 2007: Louis Lewandowski: 18 liturgical psalms for solos, choir and organ - Evangelical Youth Choir of the Palatinate and Robert C. Selinger (organ)
  • 2011: Lux perpetua luceat eis - Requiem settings by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Eduard Pütz - Evangelische Jugendkantorei der Pfalz with the Cappella Istropolitana Bratislava and vocal soloists
  • 2017: His praise endures forever. Psalms and motets from Claudio Monteverdi's Selva morale e spirituale (1641) - Evangelical youth choir of the Palatinate with the Cappella Sagittariana Dresden and vocal soloists

Web links