Johann Anton Engelhard

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Johann Anton Engelhard (born May 13, 1821 in Murten ; † March 3, 1870 ibid) was a Swiss lawyer , politician and officer .


Johann Anton Engelhard was born as the son of the town doctor in Murten and politician Johann Friedrich Ludwig Engelhard and the town clerk's daughter Maria, who came from a family of notables in Murten, and was baptized reformed. His grandfather Johann Friedrich Engelhard had immigrated to Switzerland with his family from Zweibrücken in the Palatinate and had also been a city doctor in Murten since 1796.

In his first marriage, Johann Anton Engelhard was married to Pauline Heilmann and his second marriage to the Payern pharmacist's daughter, Louise Eugénie Müller.


Johann Anton Engelhard studied at the Universities of Heidelberg and Berlin law . In 1840 he became a member of the Corps Helvetia in Heidelberg . In 1845 he began an internship in the office of the Murtner lawyer Musslin. In 1848 he was admitted to the bar and in 1849 as a notary. Engelhard worked as a lawyer and notary in Murten from 1849 until his death . From 1858 to 1870 he was a notary for the lake district . He was briefly president of the Murten District Court .

Engelhard had been Murtner Municipal Councilor since 1849 and was elected Murtner Municipal Council President. From 1857 to 1864 he was a member of the Grand Council of the Canton of Friborg . In 1857 he was the State Councilor of the Canton of Friborg in the post of Justice Director from June 4 to November 20 . There he represented the German-speaking and Reformed part of the lake district. From 1860 to 1863, he succeeded his father as a liberal-conservative member of the National Council . In 1864 he withdrew from politics.

As a colonel in the Swiss Army , he commanded the 6th Freiburg Military District.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jean-François Steiert : Engelhard, Johann Friedrich Ludwig. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  2. Kösener corps lists 1910, 115 , 134

See also