Johann Christian Biel

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Johann Christian Biel (* 1687 in Braunschweig ; † October 18, 1745 ibid) was a German Lutheran theologian and clergyman.


Johann Christian Biel studied theology at the University of Leipzig from 1707 to 1710 . He then traveled to central and northern Germany and from 1711 continued his studies at the University of Rostock and finished it in 1713 at the University of Helmstedt . Biel returned to his hometown Braunschweig after a trip through the Netherlands and England, where he became Adjunctus ministerii ( Adjunct of the Ministry of Spirituality ) in 1719 and pastor at St. Ulrich and the St. John's Chapel in 1723 .

He is the author of numerous biblical and archaeological texts, but also translated sermons from the English language. Most of his writings were only published by Esdras Heinrich Mutzenbecher (1744–1801) after his death .

The Brunswick Superintendent Johann Christoph quiver and the beginning of the year 1745 at the Collegium Carolinum active Elias Caspar Reichard held his funeral sermons. The lawyer Christian Andreas von Biel was one of his sons.

The Beincke Rare Book and Manuscript Library (BRBL) of Yale University in New Haven (Connecticut) keeps an exchange of letters between Biel and Richard Bentley from 1714.

Fonts (selection)

  • Johannis Christiani Biel Dissertatio de purpura Lydia: ad illustrandum locum Actor. XVI. 14. 1752, OCLC 634444972 .
  • Animadversiones ad JG Altmanni de gallicinio Hierosolymis in ædibus Pontificis audtio observationem. Venetiis, 1763, OCLC 79442882 .
  • Esdras Heinrich Mutzenbecher (Ed.): Jo. Christiani Biel, Past. Quond. Ad. D. Ulric. Et Joan. Brunsvic. Novus Thesaurus Philologicus; Sive Lexicon In LXX Et Alios Interpretes Et Scriptores Apocryphos Veteris Testamenti. Haag 1779-80, OCLC 19376340 , ( online ).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  2. ^ Matriculation of the University of Helmstedt 1713 I, No. 4101 (matriculation of January 13th, 1713)
  3. ^ Richard Bentley to Johann Christian Biel, London, 1714 August 30 , Johann Christian Biel to Richard Bentley September 1714