Johann Christian Wolf

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Johann Christian Wolf, painting by Theodor Friedrich Stein in the Hamburg State and University Library
Entry by Johann Christian Wolf in the album amicorum by Johann Friedrich Behrendt , 1736

Johann Christian Wolf (baptized April 10, 1690 in Wernigerode ; † April 9, 1770 in Hamburg ) was a German philologist. He was a professor at the Academic Gymnasium in Hamburg and librarian at the city ​​library there .


Wolf was born the son of the theologian Johannes Wolf and came to Hamburg with his family in 1695. He first attended the Johanneum and the Academic Gymnasium in Hamburg and enrolled in 1709 at the University of Wittenberg , where he studied theology . After a subsequent educational trip through Germany, the Netherlands and England, he returned to Hamburg in 1712 and became a candidate for the ecclesiastical ministry , d. H. Candidates for a pastoral position. After he had already given lectures in small groups, he became professor of physics and poetry at the grammar school in 1725 . On January 12, 1731, he was elected a member ( matriculation number 422 ) of the Leopoldina with the academic surname Aratus . In 1746 he also took over the post of librarian at the city library. After giving up his lectures for health reasons in 1766, he died in 1770. Wolf remained unmarried.

Like his brother Johann Christoph before him, he bequeathed his library and scientific instruments to the City Library, the predecessor of the Hamburg State and University Library. In addition, he carried on the collection of letters from scholars (Uffenbach-Wolfsche Briefsammlung) from his brother. It also went to the city library as a foundation. His own writings deal in particular with poets from ancient Greece.

After his death, the Hamburg Senate erected a cenotaph for him and his brother in the city library based on a design by the Swedish sculptor Johann Wilhelm Manstadt .


  • Novem illustrium Foeminarum, Sapphus, Erinnæ, Myrus, Myrtidis, Corinnæ, Telesillæ, Praxillæ, Nossidis, Anytæ, fragmenta et Elogia. , Hamburg, 1735.
  • Mulierum Graecarum quae oratione prosa usae sunt fragmenta et elogia graece et latine: cum virorum doctorum notis et indicibus; accedit Catalogus Foeminarum sapientia artibus scriptisue apud Graecos Romanos aliosque gentes olim illustrium / curante Jo. Christiano Wolfio. Hamburgi, Vandenhoeck, 1735.
  • Monumenta typographica, quae artis hujus praestantissimae originem, laudem et abusum posteris produnt / instaurata studio et labore Jo. Christiani Wolfii , Hamburg 1740.


Web links

Commons : Johann Christian Wolf  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Member entry by Johann Christian Wolf (with picture) at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on June 9, 2016.