Johann Christian von Lossa

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Johann Christian Lossa , from 1731 Edler von Lossa , (* 1692 in Zittau ; † May 7, 1754 in Freiberg ) was a Saxon businessman and entrepreneur. He became a royal Polish and Electoral Saxon Chamber , Mining and Commission Council .


Castle in Ebersbach
Castle ruins in Nostitz (in the background right: church tower)


Johann Christian Edler von Lossa was born as the eldest son of Samuel Lossa. His father originally came from Mittweida and had been a member of the merchants' association in Zittau since 1705. His mother Anna Martha was a born Kessler named Sprengeisen.

Professional background

Johann Christian learned the trade of a businessman. In 1713, like his father, he became a member of the merchants' association in Zittau. Lossa also dealt with the mining industry, which made him very wealthy and gave him the office of a mountain council. He stayed several times a year in Freiberg, where he achieved a great reputation for his extensive construction work. For his services, Lossa received the title of Chamber Councilor, and later he was also appointed to the Commission Council.

In 1726 Johann Christian was raised to the Bohemian knighthood and on August 21, 1731 to the imperial knighthood with the predicate Edler von Lossa . The notification of the ennoblement took place in Kursachsen on March 2, 1733. After his mother's death, he inherited Ebersbach and Siebenhufen (today both districts of Schöpstal ) in 1734 . In the castle tower of Ebersbach he ran a chemical and alchemical laboratory. In 1752 he was able to buy Großkrausche for 16,000 Reichstaler . It was also owned and partially owned by Deutsch Ossig and Nostitz .

Johann Christian von Lossa died on May 7, 1754, at the age of 61 years and 6 months, in Freiberg. With his death, the male line of the family also died out. He was buried in the Freiberg Petrikirche . From his extensive fortune, he determined the establishment of numerous foundations in a will. Among other things, 1,500 Reichstaler from the church and 500 Reichstaler from the Poor's Fund in Nostitz, the same sums of money from the Church and the Poor's Fund in Ebersbach, the establishment of a fund for poor, failed and poor miners from Freiberg, Annaberg and Johanngeorgenstadt , as well as 25,000 Reichstaler to build one Breeding house and poor house in Upper Lusatia.

Marriages and offspring

In 1716 Johann Christian married Christiana Sophie, the daughter of the city judge boy and widow of the Görlitz city judge Johann Martin Moller. His second marriage was from 1725 to Anna Elisabeth Breßler from Breslau. His only daughter, Johanna Sophia Edle von Lossa, who came from his first marriage, married Ulrich Conrad von Broizem . Johanna Sophia died of smallpox in 1742 at the age of 23 . She left a daughter and a son.


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Individual evidence

  1. a b c New general German nobility lexicon. Volume 6, pages 16-17.
  2. a b c d Memory of Joh. Christian Edlen v. Lossa. in: New Lusatian Magazine . Fifteenth, new episode, second volume. Page 287–291.
  3. a b Adelslexicon of the Prussian monarchy . Volume 2, page 53.
  4. ^ Adels-Lexikon . Volume 2, page 71.