Johann Christoph Hartmann

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Johann Christoph Hartmann (also Johan Christof Hartman ; * around 1585 , † after 1625 ) was a German lawyer in Frankfurt (Oder) and state syndic of the Uckermark .

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The father Friedrich Hartman (n) was a printer in Frankfurt (Oder), as was the grandfather Hans Hartman . The mother Hedwig died in 1593. Johann Christoph Hartmann studied at the University of Frankfurt. Since 1606 his name was mentioned there in pamphlets. In 1622 his dissertation was published. Hartmann was also a council member ( Rathmann ) in Frankfurt. From 1624 is the last mention in the city, in 1625 he was already state syndic of the Uckermark in Prenzlau.

More than 20 writings by Johann Christoph Hartmann between 1606 and 1624 in Frankfurt (Oder) are known, in which he was mentioned as author or contributor. Martin Friedrich Seidel published a portrait of him in his picture collection in 1698.

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Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Jobst : Kurtze description of the old praised statute Franckfurt an der Oder , Frankfurt ad Oder, 1651, p. 90, gave no year of death, possibly Hartmann was still alive at this time
  2. present at a theological disputation of representatives of the Pomeranian Church: Disputatio ... Collegii Corporis Doctrinæ Prutenicarum Ecclesiarum. 9, De Libero Arbitrio, Ac In Specie, de Prima Hominis Conversione & Legis Impletione / Sub Præsidio Coelestini Mislentæ ... Respondente Georgio Röchlin Prentzl. March., Publice in Auditorio majori January. have there. - Regiomonti, 1625 . Adr. Ded. (Viris Admodum Reverendis ... Dn. Johanni Christophoro Hartmanno JUD & Primislaviensium Syndico Digniss. & Practico eximio Vt Et Spectatißimo) , translated means Primislaviensis - from Prenzlau , quoted in VIAF: 13394733 after NUKAT