Martin Friedrich Seidel

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Martin Friedrich Seidel

Martin Friedrich Seidel (born February 18, 1621 in Berlin , † May 1693 in Berlin) was a Brandenburg historian .


Martin Friedrich was the son of the lawyer and electoral advisor Erasmus Seidel (1594–1655), the mother came from Pomerania . He first attended the Joachimsthal High School and then the Gray Monastery in Berlin . Then he went to study at the Brandenburg University of Frankfurt , the Albertus University of Königsberg and Thorn. With his father he came to Cleve and Cologne in electoral service. In the Rhineland he made his most important geographical studies and also came into contact with Catholicism .

From 1641 to 1643 Seidel was again in Frankfurt (Oder) with the lawyer Johann Brunnemann . As an educator for the Barons von Strünkede , he went with them to the Philipps University of Marburg , where he, originally an Irish Calixtiner , approached Orthodox Lutheranism . Returned after traveling through Holland and France, Seidel became a member of the chamber judge. When he refused, however, to sign the toleration reverse required by all clergymen and lawyers , with which the elector wanted to put an end to the polemics between Lutherans and Reformed people, this led to his dismissal in 1670, and one year later Seidel became a Swedish-Pomeranian court judge in Stralsund . From there he returned to Berlin around 1675 and was reinstated in his previous position.

Seidel carried out excavations on Young Bronze Age urn grave fields, e.g. B. 1666 in the district of Lichtenberg near Frankfurt (Oder) or 1685 near Müllrose . The log of the first mentioned excavations is the oldest known excavation report from the Mark Brandenburg.

A manuscript of the Vaticinium Lehninense is said to have been found in his estate ; he is therefore considered one of the possible authors himself.

The only son Andreas Erasmus (* 1650) went to the Levant in diplomatic service , but was recalled by his father in 1692 and then lived in Frankfurt (Oder).



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Siegmar Döpp : Vaticinium Lehninense . Hildesheim 2015, p. 1