Johann Christoph Schambogen

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Johann Christoph pubic arch
copper engraving by Johann Balzer (1772)

Johann Christoph Schambogen (Czech Jan Kryštof Schambogen ; * 1636 in Glatz , County Glatz ; † March 5, 1696 in Prague ) was Professor of Law at Charles University in Prague and its rector from 1687–1689 and 1692–1693. He was also assessor of the Prague Archbishop Consistory and Imperial Council .


Johann Christoph Schambogen attended the Glatzer Jesuit College and then studied at the Charles University in Prague, where he acquired the academic degree of Doctor of Both Rights on November 15, 1668 . Four days later he was appointed professor of law at Charles University, where he was considered the most important lawyer. 1687–1689 and 1692–1693 he held the post of rector. In this capacity he was probably portrayed by Johann Georg Heinsch , who also came from Glatz. The picture has been preserved to this day and is owned by Charles University.

Works (selection)

  • Praelectiones publicae in D. Imp. Just. Institutiones cet (1676)
  • Dissertationes miscellaneae ad quasdam leges et capitula, ex utroque iure excerpta (Prague, 1678)
  • Dis- et Concordantia canonum et legum (1683)
  • Ars longa, vita brevis, seu centum quaestiones iuris ... ex historica mundi vita eductae et deductae (New Town of Prague, 1684)
  • Dissertationes iuridicae miscellaneae ad aliquot famosas et damnatas, ut vocant, leges (New Town of Prague, 1687)
  • Discursus triginta ex canonico, civili, feudali ... extracti, et historiae alicui ex vita Rudolphi I. ... applicati (Prague, 1692)
  • Commentarium seu lectiones publicae in D. Gregorii IX. decretalium libros quinque compositae ... (Prague, 1699)
