Johann Dietrich von Rosenbach

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Johann Dietrich von Rosenbach (* March 25, 1581 ; † May 8, 1656 in Königstein im Taunus ) was Electorate Mainz councilor and senior magistrate in Königstein im Taunus.


Johann Dietrich von Rosenbach was the son of Dietz von Rosenbach (* 1528) and his wife Walburger von Karsbach. On May 27, 1606 he married Susanna Regina von Knöringen for the first time. His eldest son Johann Hartmann von Rosenbach (* December 15, 1609, † April 19, 1675) became Bishop of Würzburg. His second son Heinrich Adam von Rosenbach (* August 27, 1611; † July 26, 1638) became canon in Würzburg, but then entered the imperial service. The third son, Philipp Christoph (January 1, 1613 - October 19, 1681) became provost of the Blankenau monastery . The daughter Anna Christina, born in 1617, was only one year old.

In 1636 he married Anna Maria von Kronberg (born October 1, 1609), a granddaughter of the Königstein magistrate Johann Reichard Brömser von Rüdesheim . From this marriage there was only one son who died of the leaves in 1642 at the age of 3.


Johann Dietrich von Rosenbach became Ganerbe in Lindheim and Staden and in 1624 castle builder of the Burggrafschaft Friedberg . He became Kurmainzer bailiff in Amöneburg and on August 9, 1636 Oberamtmann of the Oberamt Königstein, which had been won again shortly before . He worked as a senior bailiff for 20 years until 1656. He initiated the founding of the Capuchin Monastery in Königstein in 1646.


  • Friedrich Stöhlker: The Kurmainzer Oberamtmen in Königstein (1581–1781); in: Heimatliche Geschichtsblätter, Königstein im Taunus, 1957, issue 4, pp. 49–54