Johann Erich Schild

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Johann Erich Schild (also: Johann Erich Schildt and ... Schilden or ... Schilt ; born July 29, 1653 in Hanover ; † May 26 or May 29, 1717 there ) was a Hanoverian treasurer and mint master .


The few years after the Thirty Years' War in the residential city born Hanover and on July 29 or August 8, 1663 christened Johann Erich shield was a scion of the Hanover noble family shields .

After temporarily working as a ducal chamber clerk, Schild worked as the mint master of Hanover for a period of around 14 years from 1676 to 1690. The signature IES is the monogram of the mint master who, according to other sources, is said to have been active as such in Hanover from 1690 to 1695 and 1698.

On May 8, 1683, Schild married Catharina Hattorf, who came from the Hattorf family, in the castle church in Hanover .

From 1690, Schild first worked as a chamber agent, then as chief chamberlain in Hanover. Later he took over the duties of the curbs of Brunswick and, from the personal union between Great Britain and Hanover, also of the Royal Great Britain Chamberlain.

In 1708 the chief paymaster Schild took over the inheritance of Lucie or Lucia, née Sellenstedt, first widowed Meyer, then widow of the pastor and book collector Johann Dietrich Löwensen . Schild was supposed to make further dispositions about the library donated by the widow of the city of Hanover.

Correspondence with Leibniz

A handwritten letter from 1689 from Schild to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and two letters from Leibniz to Schild from 1705 and 1706 now form part of Leibniz's correspondence, which is kept in the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library , as a UNESCO World Heritage Site .


  • Karl von Bothmer: The Lower Saxon family v. Shields (shield, shield). A genealogical study of the rise of a family including the cognatic continuations after the extinction of the male line , in: Vierteljahresschrift für Wappen-, Siegel- und Familienkunde , Volume 56, 1930, pp. 4-18; 33-55
  • Joachim Lampe: Aristocracy, court nobility and state patriciate in Kurhannover: The spheres of life of the higher civil servants at the Electoral Hanoverian central and court authorities 1714–1760 , vol. 1.2, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1963, vol. 2, p. 43

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i o. V .: Schild, Johann Erich (May 29, 1717) in the personal and correspondence database of the Leibniz Edition on the Georg-August University of Göttingen [without Date], last accessed April 17, 2020
  2. ^ A b Gerhard Schön : Schild, Johann Erich in: Biographisches Lexikon der Münzmeister, Wardeine, Stempelschneider und Medailleure (MMLO) [undated], last accessed on April 17, 2020
  3. Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Schlickeysen , Reinhold Pallmann: Explanation of the abbreviations on coins of modern times, the Middle Ages and antiquity as well as on commemorative coins and coin-like symbols , 4th edition, unchanged imprint of the 3rd published in 1896 by Verlag W. Spemann, Berlin and Stuttgart. and improved edition, Photomechanischer Nachdruck, Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1961, p. 233; Preview over google books
  4. Jürgen Busch: The Council Library in Hanover , in: Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter , New Series Volume 10 (1957), pp. 169-234; here: p. 224 and others; limited preview in Google Book search