SPÖ Salzburg

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SPÖ Salzburg
Logo SPÖ.svg
State party leader David Egger
David egger.jpg
Club chairman Michael Wanner
Country Managing Director Hannes Mathes
Headquarters Wartelsteinstrasse 1
5020 Salzburg
Seats in state parliaments

( LTW 2018 / MPs )
Number of members approx.8,000 (2011; own information)
Alignment Social democracy
Website www.salzburg.spoe.at
State elections 1945–2018

The SPÖ Salzburg is the regional organization of the Social Democratic Party of Austria in the Austrian state of Salzburg . The party has its seat in Salzburg's Wartelsteinstrasse .

Since the state elections in 2018 , the Salzburg SPÖ has 8 seats in the Salzburg state parliament and is in opposition there . In addition, the state party sends a member of the Austrian Federal Council , David Egger .

For the SPÖ Salzburg there has been a member of the Austrian National Council , Cornelia Ecker , since the 2019 National Council election .

From 2013 to 2020, the state party chairman was the SPÖ's club chairman in the state parliament, Walter Steidl . On May 15, 2020, David Egger was designated by the state party executive as state party chairman of the SPÖ Salzburg from July 1, 2020. On May 25, 2020, the SPÖ Landtag Club decided on Michael Wanner to succeed Steidl from July 2020. In June 2020, Gerald Forcher was presented as the successor to Hannes Mathes as regional manager of the SPÖ Salzburg.


Foundation and beginnings

State elections 1919–1932

In 1891, the trained stonemason Jakob Prähauser founded a workers' education association in Hallein , the predecessor of the Salzburg SPÖ. Prähauser was also the first state party chairman and represented his state at the 2nd Austrian Social Democratic Party Congress . From 1896 he was the first leader of the social democratic movement in the state of Salzburg as state secretary. At the beginning of the 20th century, the social democratic movement was formed from a loose bundle of associations to form the party. The state party organization was founded in 1899 and the first district and community organizations emerged in 1901.

Social Democrats in the Resistance

After Engelbert Dollfuss came to power and the February coup in 1934 , the Social Democratic Party was also banned in Salzburg. Josef Pfeffer organized the illegal Revolutionary Socialists (RSÖ) , but was arrested by the Nazi regime in 1938 and later died in a concentration camp .

The railway worker August Gruber was the liaison man of the Revolutionary Socialists , who was beheaded on March 23, 1943 in Berlin-Plötzensee :

At 6:36 p.m., the convict was brought before two prison officials, hands cuffed behind his back. The executioner Röttger from Berlin was ready with his three assistants. The condemned man, calm and collected, let himself be laid on the guillotine without reluctance, whereupon the executioner performed the beheading with the guillotine and then reported that the sentence had been carried out. Enforcement took 18 seconds from presentation to enforcement. "

- Nazi protocol of the execution

The two social democrats Alois Auer and Rudolf Hartl were murdered together with August Gruber. Since 1997 a commemorative plaque in the stone floor of the counter at the Salzburg local train station has been commemorating the three resistance fighters.

Second republic

While the SPÖ only provided the mayor in the city of Salzburg from 1946 to 2017, with a brief interruption from 1992 to 1999, the party was only able to achieve second place in the state by 2004.

In the state elections on March 7, 2004 , the SPÖ Salzburg won the most votes for the first time in the Second Republic, with 45.40% , and for the first time provided the regional head, Governor Gabi Burgstaller, in a coalition with the ÖVP , the regional government Burgstaller I bis 2009. In the subsequent state elections in 2009 , the SPÖ lost around 6 percentage points, but was able to hold onto first place and continued the coalition in the Burgstaller II state government . In the 2013 state election , which was brought forward as a result of the speculation scandal in 2012 , the SPÖ lost more than 15.5 percentage points and thus its top position to the ÖVP. As a result, the SPÖ left the government in favor of the Greens and Team Stronach . On the evening of the election, May 5th, Gabi Burgstaller announced her retirement from politics. Her successor at the head of the state party was the previous deputy governor, Walter Steidl .


The SPÖ has so far provided a governor, Gabi Burgstaller ( from 2004 to 2009 and from 2009 to 2013 ) in Salzburg .

Party chairman and managing director

State party leader

State party leader

Club chairmen in the state parliament

Federal Councilors

Partial and preliminary organizations

Like the Federal SPÖ, the Salzburg SPÖ maintains sub-organizations. Membership in one of the sub-organizations of the SPÖ Salzburg usually also entails membership in the state party and also in the federal party. The following regional organizations of the SPÖ sub-organizations exist in Salzburg:

The child friends Salzburg

The Kinderfreunde and Kinderfreundinnen are a children, youth and family organization of the SPÖ. The current state chairwoman is Cornelia Schmidjell, the state manager is Vera Schlager.

Young Social Democrats and Socialists (JUSOS)

The Young Social Democrats and Socialists (JUSOS) is the youth department of the SPÖ in Salzburg. State chairman is currently Peter Auer, state secretary is Hubertus Brawisch.

Action critical pupils (aks) Salzburg

The Action Critical Schoolchildren (aks) Salzburg is a schoolchildren's organization that deals with educational policy issues and deals with socio-political issues. The current state chairman is Suzan Schwarzmayr, state secretary is Christoph Absmann.

VSStÖ Salzburg

In 1883 the Free Association of Socialist Students was founded in Vienna as the first forerunner organization of the Association of Socialist Students Austria (VSStÖ) . The Austrian Association of Socialist Students was founded in 1893 and represents the interests of socialist students, especially in the Austrian Students' Union (ÖH) . The VSStÖ is the ÖH organization with the longest tradition and history and the only founding association of the ÖH that still exists today. The chairman of the VSStÖ in Salzburg is currently Hubertus Brawisch.


The Association of Social Democratic Academics, Intellectuals, and Artists was founded in 1946 as the Association of Socialist Academics. The current state chairman in Salzburg is Josef Weilhartner.

SPÖ women Salzburg

The SPÖ women are the women's political department in the SPÖ and primarily deal with issues of gender equality. The founding of the SPÖ Women as a federal organization took place on September 5, 1945. Karin Dollinger , member of the regional parliament, is the chairman of the Salzburg regional organization and Michaela Ferschmann is the managing director.

Volkshilfe Salzburg

Salzburger Volkshilfe is a social service company that was founded on June 6, 1947. The current chairman of the organization is Ingried Riezler-Kainzner , the managing director is Bernhard Behr.

SoHo Salzburg

The Social Democratic Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Intersexual Organization is a social democratic organization that advocates equal rights and equal opportunities for lesbians, gays, transgender and intersex people in Austria. Harald Stadler is currently the chairman of SoHo in the state of Salzburg.

Red Biker Salzburg

Red Biker is an advocacy group for bikers in Austria. Manfred Schnitzhofer is the president of the Salzburg regional organization.

FSG Salzburg

The parliamentary group of social democratic trade unionists campaigns in the Austrian trade union federation , in the workforce representatives, in the Chamber of Labor and in the self-governing institutions of social policy as well as in public on the basis of the SPÖ program for the concerns and interests of the employed people and groups close to them (in particular People in training, retirees). The state chairman is until the end of July 2020 [out of date] Gerald Forcher , the managing director is Georg Djundja.

Association of municipal representatives (GVV)

In 2016, the Working Group of Social Democratic Community Representatives (ASG) in the Social Democratic Community Representatives Association Salzburg (GVV Salzburg) was decided. The Association of Social Democratic Community Representatives Salzburg (GVV) supports the local politicians of the SPÖ with its offers such as B. Legal advice, strategy advice and seminars in your daily work. The current chairman is the mayor of Bischofshofen , Hansjörg Obinger, the managing director is Ingo Ladinig.

Salzburg Trade Association (SWV)

The Salzburg Economic Association (SWV) represents the interests of its members in the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce . The current state president is Peter Mörwald, the state manager is Hermann Wielandner.

Dr. Karl Renner Institute, SPÖ Education

The Renner Institute Salzburg is the political academy of the Salzburg SPÖ. His main fields of activity are the transmission between science and the SPÖ. The Renner Institute Salzburg offers seminars, workshops and training courses. The current regional branch manager is Maximilian Seeburger.

Association of Social Democratic Freedom Fighters (BSF)

In 1949, former February fighters , women and men of the anti-fascist resistance and surviving victims of the Nazi criminal regime founded the Association of Socialist Freedom Fighters and Victims of Fascism in the years after the end of Hitler's fascism . The first federal chairwoman, Rosa Jochmann , represented the interests of the victims of the fascist regime and led the fight against right-wing extremism and anti-Semitism together with Josef Hindels and the members of the federal government. In recent years, the federal government has fought for a modern form of education and memorial culture. The state chairman of the organization in Salzburg is currently Matteo Gebhart, state secretary is Maximilian Seeburger.

SPÖ farmers

The SPÖ farmers are the department for the representation of the interests of the socialist farmers in the SPÖ and in the Chamber of Agriculture as well as the district chambers of farmers . State chairman is currently the state parliament member Robert Zehentner , the managing director is the state manager of the SPÖ Salzburg, Hannes Mathes.

Social Democratic Teachers' Association (SLÖ)

The Social Democratic Teachers' Association is dedicated to promoting and implementing basic social democratic values ​​in the field of education. The association deals with school, education and teacher issues as well as with issues of socialist cultural policy and sees itself as a platform for all social democratic teachers in the state of Salzburg. The state chairman is Dietmar Plakolm.

Pensioners Association Salzburg

The Pensioners' Association Salzburg is a social democratic organization for pensioners in the state of Salzburg. The current state chairman is Wolfgang Höllbacher.


  • Hanns Haas: We are moving forward. The Salzburg labor movement from its beginnings to the First World War. In: Ingrid Bauer (ed.): From the old solidarity to the new social question. A picture book from Salzburg. Vienna 1989, p. 9-72 .
  • Walter Thaler: Strongly affected - little noticed. Social democracy in Salzburg communities. Talks with Salzburg mayors. In: Series of publications by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialdemokratischer Gemeindevetereter (ASG) Salzburg . tape 1 . Salzburg 1999.
  • Josef Kaut: The stony path. History of the socialist labor movement in the state of Salzburg. Graphia, Salzburg 1982.
  • Rudolf G. Ardelt: The Socialist Party. Ed .: Eberhard Zwink. The Lechner era. The state of Salzburg in the sixties and seventies.
  • Fritz Kaufmann: Social Democracy in Austria. Idea and history of a party. 1978.
  • Heinz Fischer: The Kreisky years 1967-83. 1993.
  • Heinrich Salfenauer: memories. From working-class child to mayor of the state capital Salzburg. My encounter with books. 1997.
  • Günther Sandner: Social Democracy in Austria: From the Beginnings of the Labor Movement to Modern Social Democracy. 2012.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. salzburg ORF at red: David Egger takes over Salzburg's SPÖ. May 15, 2020, accessed July 1, 2020 .
  2. Live broadcast of the Salzburg State Parliament on July 8th, 2020. Retrieved July 8, 2020 .
  3. employees. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 17, 2020 .
  4. Imprint. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 17, 2020 .
  5. ^ National Council and Federal Council. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 17, 2020 .
  6. ^ SPÖ Salzburg: Michael Wanner sworn in as a member of the state parliament. July 8, 2020, accessed July 8, 2020 .
  7. ^ National Council and Federal Council. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 17, 2020 .
  8. ^ Salzburger Nachrichten: Walter Steidl succeeds Burgstaller as Salzburg SPÖ boss. Retrieved April 17, 2020 .
  9. Thomas Neuhold, Stefanie Ruep: The agony of a chairman election: 33-year-old David Egger is Salzburg's new SPÖ boss. In: DerStandard.at . May 15, 2020, accessed May 16, 2020 .
  10. ^ A b David Egger takes over Salzburg's SPÖ. In: ORF.at . May 15, 2020, accessed May 16, 2020 .
  11. ^ Wanner new SPÖ club leader in the state parliament. In: ORF.at . May 25, 2020, accessed May 26, 2020 .
  12. ^ Forcher new managing director of the Salzburg SPÖ. In: ORF.at . June 8, 2020, accessed June 8, 2020 .
  13. Gerald Forcher: Three months after the resignation already the comeback in the Salzburg SPÖ. In: Salzburger Nachrichten . June 8, 2020, accessed June 8, 2020 .
  14. a b Hanns Haas: Things are moving forward. The Salzburg labor movement from its beginnings to the First World War. In: Ingrid Bauer (ed.): From the old solidarity to the new social question. A picture book from Salzburg. Vienna 1989, p. 9-72 .
  15. ^ SPÖ Salzburg - Salzburgwiki. Retrieved April 19, 2020 .
  16. The Child Friends Salzburg. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 18, 2020 .
  17. JUSOS Salzburg. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 18, 2020 .
  18. AKS. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 18, 2020 .
  19. ^ VSStÖ Salzburg. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 18, 2020 .
  20. ^ BSA Salzburg. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 18, 2020 .
  21. women. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 16, 2020 .
  22. ^ History of the SPÖ women. In: History of Austrian Social Democracy. Red Moved, accessed April 11, 2020 .
  23. ^ SPÖ women Salzburg. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 18, 2020 .
  24. ^ Volkshilfe Salzburg. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 18, 2020 .
  25. SoHo Salzburg. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 18, 2020 .
  26. Red Biker Salzburg. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 18, 2020 .
  27. ^ Forcher: ÖGB job and SPÖ mandate gone. March 11, 2020, accessed April 18, 2020 .
  28. FSG Salzburg. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 18, 2020 .
  29. ^ GVV Salzburg. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 18, 2020 .
  30. Salzburg Trade Association. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 18, 2020 .
  31. DR.-KARL-RENNER-INSTITUT SALZBURG. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 18, 2020 .
  32. BSF Salzburg. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 18, 2020 .
  33. ^ SPÖ farmers in Salzburg. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 18, 2020 .
  34. SLÖ Salzburg. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 18, 2020 .
  35. ^ Pensioners' Association Salzburg. In: SPÖ Salzburg. Retrieved April 18, 2020 .