Johann Ernst von Brabeck

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Johann Ernst von Brabeck (* 1625 ; † November 5, 1690 in Haus Hemer ) was canon in Münster .


Origin and family

Johann Ernst von Brabeck came from the Westphalian nobility as the son of Westhoff von Brabeck (1535-1617) and his wife Anna Ursula von Landsberg zu Erwitte . His brothers Ludolf Walter (1623–1699) and Engelbert (1621–1693) were canons in Münster and Hildesheim . Jobst Edmund (1619–1702) was Prince Bishop in Hildesheim .


On April 30, 1655 Johann Ernst was for Dompräbende of compulsory retirement Domdechanten Bernhard von Mallinckrodt presented. It was not until March 6, 1662 that he submitted papal approval. The reception of the minor ordinations and the subdiaconate ordination fell on May 30, 1665. After the death of Canon Johann Dietrich Raitz von Frentz , he opted for the Roxel Oblegium on December 10, 1675. Johann Ernst died at Haus Hemer after a long illness. His preamble fell to Johann Karl von Sparr after papal approval .


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