Johann Friedrich Moser

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Johann Friedrich Moser (also Johann Christian Friedrich Moser) (* 1771 ; † December 17, 1846 in Berlin ) was a German architect and Prussian construction officer .


Little is known about Moser's origins and family circumstances; his father was a master mason in Berlin. A relationship with Johann Georg Moser , who is also active in the Prussian building administration and with whom he is often confused, has not yet been proven.

Moser worked for several years as Oberhofbauinspektor at the Royal Oberhofbauamt in Berlin. In 1799 he was one of the employees of the Oberhofbauamt, who were able to attend the lectures at the Berlin Bauakademie , which was newly founded that year, free of charge . In 1802, because Heinrich Gentz ​​was unable to do so , Moser was commissioned to erect the bust of the late Friedrich Gilly made by Johann Gottfried Schadow in the building academy.

In 1814, Moser directed the restoration and re-erection of the Quadriga on the Brandenburg Gate , which Napoleon had brought to Paris in 1806 and was transported back to Berlin in triumph after the Wars of Liberation . In the same year he moved from the Oberhofbauamt as assessor to the Oberbaudeputation , in 1816 he was appointed building officer.

Together with Johann Gottlieb Schlätzer and Friedrich Schramm, Moser led the renovation of the Berlin Cathedral from 1817 to 1822 according to plans by Karl Friedrich Schinkel . Repair work on the armory also began in 1817, and from 1806 to 1813 it had suffered greatly from being used by French troops. Moser was responsible for the work under Schinkel's direction, but was later released due to the relationship to his father, the court stone mason Moser, who worked there, and his brother-in-law, court carpenter Glatz.

In 1818/1819 Moser and August Ferdinand Triest were in charge of construction at the Pontonhof, Unter den Linden / corner of Dorotheenstrasse, based on a design by Schinkel. Instead of the National Theater on Gendarmenmarkt by Carl Gotthard Langhans , which burned down in 1817, the theater was built from 1818 to 1821 according to Schinkel's plans . The construction management was carried out by Moser and Triest, Wilhelm Berger, Georg Heinrich Bürde and Johann Matthäus von Mauch .

In 1829 Moser drafted the plans for the renovation of the Sophienkirche in Berlin, which took place in 1835. Moser retired in 1831 and was awarded the Order of the Red Eagle, 4th class. He died in Berlin in 1846.


  • 1814: Restoration and re-erection of the Quadriga on the Brandenburg Gate
  • 1817–1822: Construction management for the renovation of the Berlin Cathedral (design by Schinkel)
  • 1817: Repair work on the armory
  • 1818/1819: Construction management at the Pontonhof (design by Schinkel)
  • 1818–1821: Construction management at the Berliner Schauspielhaus (design by Schinkel)


  • Uwe Kieling: Berlin. Buildings and master builders: From the Gothic to 1945. Berlin Edition, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3814800958 .
  • Reinhart route and Christiane Brandt-Salloum: Inventory for the history of the Prussian building administration 1723 - 1848. Secret State Archive, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3923579063 .

Individual evidence

  1. Uta Motschmann (Ed.): Handbook of the Berlin Associations 1786-1815. Akademie Verlag Berlin, Berlin 2014, ISBN 3050060158 , p. 387.
  2. Reinhart Route and Christiane Brandt-Salloum: Inventory for the history of the Prussian building administration 1723 - 1848. Secret State Archive, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3923579063 . (Building inventory No. 400: GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 93 B Ministry of Public Works, No. 417; Powers of the Berlin government over the deployment of subordinate construction personnel in relation to the orders of the Ministry of Commerce 1818-1819)
  3. ^ Uwe Kieling: Berlin. Buildings and master builders: From the Gothic to 1945. Berlin Edition, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3814800958 , p. 262.
  4. Reinhart Route and Christiane Brandt-Salloum: Inventory for the history of the Prussian building administration 1723 - 1848. Secret State Archive, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3923579063 . (Building inventory no. 1092: GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 76 old older (cultural) higher authorities IV, no. 42; requested free lessons at the building academy, vol. 1, 1799–1801 p. 12ff.)
  5. Reinhart Route and Christiane Brandt-Salloum: Inventory for the history of the Prussian building administration 1723 - 1848. Secret State Archive, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3923579063 . (Building inventory No. 1121: GStA PK, II. HA General Directorate, Dept. 30.II, Building Academic Deputation, No. 10; Sculpture work 1802)
  6. ^ Uwe Kieling: Berlin. Buildings and master builders: From the Gothic to 1945. Berlin Edition, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3814800958 , pp. 29, 262
  7. Reinhart Route and Christiane Brandt-Salloum: Inventory for the history of the Prussian building administration 1723 - 1848. Secret State Archive, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3923579063 . (Building inventory No. 899: GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 93 D Technische Oberbaudeputation, No. 12; Appointment of the Oberhofbauinspektor Johann Friedrich Moser as assessor for the Oberbaudeputation 1814-1816)
  8. ^ Uwe Kieling: Berlin. Buildings and master builders: From the Gothic to 1945. Berlin Edition, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3814800958 , p. 260
  9. Reinhart Route and Christiane Brandt-Salloum: Inventory for the history of the Prussian building administration 1723 - 1848. Secret State Archive, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3923579063 . (Building inventory No. 400: GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 93 B Ministry of Public Works, No. 417; Powers of the Berlin government over the deployment of subordinate construction personnel in relation to the orders of the Ministry of Commerce 1818-1819)
  10. Reinhart Route and Christiane Brandt-Salloum: Inventory for the history of the Prussian building administration 1723 - 1848. Secret State Archive, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3923579063 . (Building inventory No. 311: GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 89 Secret Civil Cabinet, recent period, No. 28520; Building officials and their salaries (1810–1860))
  11. ^ Uwe Kieling: Berlin. Buildings and master builders: From the Gothic to 1945. Berlin Edition, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3814800958 , p. 262