Johann Matthäus von Mauch

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Johann Matthäus von Mauch (born February 22, 1792 in Ulm , † April 13, 1856 in Stuttgart ) was a German architecture professor and author and draftsman of architecture publications.


Mauch began studying architecture at the 1809 Academy of Fine Arts in Munich , but was after his hometown in 1811 Ulm in the media coverage of the Kingdom of Württemberg had been incorporated, called up for military Württemberg. After four years of military service, he was posted to the royal building and gardening directorate. In 1816 Mauch went to Berlin and was employed as a draftsman at the royal Prussian iron foundry . Through a personal acquaintance with Karl Friedrich Schinkel , he became construction manager at the new theater and from 1821 taught architecture and hand-drawing at the newly founded royal trade institute , and from 1832 at the combined artillery and engineering school . As a draftsman and lithographer, he worked on several sample books published by the Prussian state , in particular on the models for manufacturers and craftsmen (1821–1830). After a study trip to Italy (1830), his most important work, the Comparative Representation of Greek Building Regulations , was written in four volumes (1832, 1836, 1839, 1845) , the first two volumes of which he presented as a translation and supplement to the corresponding work by Charles Normand. From the third issue, however, it was viewed as a separate work. It appeared in numerous editions by the end of the century, some with revised text. In 1839 Mauch accepted a call to the royal trade school in Stuttgart as professor for monumental architecture and its history as well as for ornament drawing and modeling.


  • Supplement to Carl Normand's comparative presentation of the architectural orders of the Greeks and Romans and the modern builders ; First issue. Potsdam: Riegel 1832 digitized BSB Munich , digitized BSB Munich . Second issue, Potsdam: Riegel 1836 digitized BSB Munich
  • Classical decorations as template sheets for a progressive teaching of architects and all tradespeople, at the instigation of a royal high administration for trade, manufacturing and construction , Berlin: Gropius 1837 digitized TU Berlin
  • Treatise on medieval monuments in Württemberg , Stuttgart 1849 Digitalisat BSB Munich
