Johann Friedrich Vetterli

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Johann Friedrich Vetterli

Johann Friedrich Vetterli (born August 21, 1822 in Wagenhausen , † May 21, 1882 in Neuhausen ) was a Swiss gunsmith and inventor of the Vetterli bolt-action rifle .

life and work

Vetterli was the son of the miller Jakob Vetterli and Friederike, nee Stierli. Vetterli completed an apprenticeship as a gunsmith at “Schalch” in Schaffhausen . He then went on the rolling that took him to Lahr , Paris , Saint-Etienne and London . There he married in 1855 Charlotte, born Freimann (Fryman) of Painwik from the County Gloucester .

Vetterli repeating rifle disassembled

In 1864, Vetterli received a visit from Friedrich Peyer in the courtyard . On the occasion of the joint tour of a rolling machine for bayonets in the Royal Arms Factory, Vetterli agreed to construct a special bayonet rolling mill for Peyer that worked even more efficiently.

When Vetterli returned to Switzerland in 1864, he lived in the «Bellevue» above Neuhausen. As promised, he constructed the rolling mill for Peyer and was director of the Swiss Industrial Society in Neuhausen from 1866 until his death . As such, he invented the Vetterli repeating rifle in 1867 and also developed the associated ammunition . Switzerland and other countries accounted for all the orderly series of Neuhausen and his invention was closely watched abroad and led Vetterli several extended trips abroad.

Vetterli died of a heart attack and found his final resting place in the Neuhausen cemetery. His wife was 47 years old at the time, and probably returned to her homeland, along with Vetterli's private written estate.


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