Johann Georg Karl Klotzsch

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Johann Georg Karl Klotzsch (born December 19, 1763 in Jüterbog , † July 10, 1819 in Wittenberg ) was a German literary scholar and logician.


After he had trained in his hometown, he moved to the grammar school in Meißen and on February 3, 1783 the University of Wittenberg . There he acquired the degree of master's degree on October 17, 1786 . After that he worked as a court master in Dresden , returned to Wittenberg to hold lectures as Magister Legens and adjunct of the philosophical faculty since 1789 . By an electoral rescript of June 17, 1793, he was given an extraordinary professorship in philosophy and after Gottfried August Meerheim died, he took over the full chair of poetry in 1802.

In this capacity he read about the Roman poets and the theory of the fine sciences. As a thorough connoisseur of old and new literature, he took over the chair for logic in 1810. While some of his colleagues moved to Halle (Saale) after the University of Wittenberg closed , Klotzsch stayed in Wittenberg until the end of his life and retired because he was already ailing. He was also rector of the Wittenberg University in the winter semester of 1814 .

Selection of works

  1. Critique of Judgment, Wittenberg 1802
  2. Soccietas Germanica
  3. Societas Latina
  4. Diss. De lingua Germanica rectionim philosophiam tractandi studiis haud parum culta, Wittenberg 1789
  5. Diss. De diligentia Livii in enarrandis prodigiis recte aeatimanda. Wittenberg 1789
  6. About the designation of Volkslehrer, a philosophical treatise initiated by the right-handers of the Consitorialrat Sintenis. Frankfurt and Leipzig 1790
  7. Pr. De occasione et indole epist. Pauli ad Philemonem. Wittenberg 1792
  8. Pr. De notione fidei moralis. Wittenberg 1793
  9. D. utrum philosophica Scripturae interpretatio, quam commendavit Kantius, admitti possit in explicando N. Test. Wittenberg 1795
  10. NT Critical History Manual for Use of Academic Lectures. Wittenberg 1795
  11. Brief presentation of the doctrine of moral belief. In: Schmid's Journal of his Morality Vol. 3
  12. Pr. De notione Egoiemi moralia. Wittenberg 1797
  13. The postumus of the Roman poet Martial, an antiquity, found with several others and accompanied with explanations. Meissen 1798
  14. Luc. Annaeos Seneca. 1. Th. Wittenberg and Zerbst 1799, 2. Th. Wittenberg and Zerbst 1802.
  15. Pr. De Octavia Annaei Senecae. Wittenberg 1804
