Johann Georg Lang (composer)

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Johann Georg Lang (* probably around 1722 in Mies / Böhmen ; † July 17, 1798 in Ehrenbreitstein ) was a German composer .


There are contradicting statements about Lang's year of birth, in the death register his age is given as 76 years. In early youth Lang studied piano and violin at the University of Prague , later he stayed in Naples for three years and studied counterpoint with Francesco Durante and Girolamo Abos . From 1746 he worked as a chamber musician with Prince Bishop Joseph in Augsburg . In the 1750s he went on a three-year study trip to Italy. About 1757 studied in Naples with Francesco Durante and Giuseppe Abos . In 1760 Lang was appointed Princely Augsburg Concertmaster. The new Prince-Bishop Clemens Wenzeslaus of Saxony had the court moved to Ehrenbreitstein in 1769. Lang stayed in Ehrenbreitstein until his death, even though the court had been driven out by the French revolutionary troops in 1794.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rudolf Vierhaus: Kraatz - Menges . Walter de Gruyter, 2011, ISBN 978-3-11-094027-5 ( [accessed on January 23, 2020]).