Johann Gunert

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Johann Gunert (actually Johann Aulehla ; born June 9, 1903 in Mödritz , Austria-Hungary , † October 3, 1982 in Vienna ) was an Austrian poet and essayist .


The son of a railway official came to Vienna in 1905 when he was 2 years old. After graduating from high school , he worked as an assistant at a technical evening school and as literary director of the Floridsdorf public library . In 1927 he became a civil servant at the Vienna City Library . In 1934 he married the poet Herma Besenböck (1905–1949). Gunert had already published poetry in newspapers and magazines before 1938, but refrained from any publication during the Nazi regime. In 1942 he was drafted into the Wehrmacht as a radio operator and in 1944 he was taken prisoner by the French. After returning home from the war, Gunert was a lecturer for culture and popular education in Vienna and worked for the Austrian broadcasting company .

His first volume of poetry, Earthly Litanei , which appeared in 1945, reflects in the face of the destruction of the war, being thrown back on the elementary basic needs: eating, drinking, sleeping. In addition to his poetic work, Gunert wrote a number of essays on the history of literature, including the listening sequence America in the Mirror of Austrian Literature (1953) and Landscape and Nature in Rilke's poetry .


Gunert's grave is located in a group of honorary graves in Vienna's central cemetery .


In 1984 Gunertweg in the Hirschstetten district of Vienna was named after him.


  • Hermann Hakel (Ed.): Voices of the time. Five poets: Friedrich Bergammer , Fritz Brainin , Rudolf Felmayer , Johann Gunert, Hermann Hakel. Anzengruber, Vienna 1938.
  • Earthly litany . E. Müller, Vienna 1945.
  • The life of the painter Vincent van Gogh . Austrian publishing company, Innsbruck 1949.
  • Everywhere on our earth. Austrian publishing company, Innsbruck 1952.
  • Bibliography of its members. Austrian PEN Club, Vienna 1955.
  • All singing serves life. Austrian publishing house, Innsbruck 1956.
  • Bearing inscription and image. Bergland-Verlag, Vienna 1958.
  • Kassandra laughs. Stiasny, Graz 1962.
  • Signs happen. Bergland-Verlag, Vienna 1968.
  • The other dimension. Bergland-Verlag, Vienna 1977.


  • Johannes Sachslehner : Article Johann Gunert. In: Walther Killy (Ed.): Literaturlexikon. Volume 4. Authors and works from A to Z. - Fri - Hap . Bertelsmann, Munich 1989, p. 430f, ISBN 3-570-04674-5 / ISBN 3-570-03704-5 .
  • Felix Braun: Johann Gunert's poetry. In: Wort in der Zeit Volume 7 (1957), p. 23 f.
  • Viktor Suchy: Introduction. In: Johann Gunert: Kassandra laughs . Stiasny, Graz 1962, pp. 5-13.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ In: Festschrift for the centenary of the Vienna City Library. Vienna 1956.
  2. Zentralfriedhof Wien - Group 40