Johann Heinrich Reinbold (asset manager)

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Johann Heinrich Reinbold (also: Johann Heinrich Reinboldt and Johannes Reinbold and Reinboldi ; * around 1648 , † 1699 in Hanover ) was a princely asset manager .


The house at Osterstrasse 59 in Hanover, on the ground floor of which Reinbold had a portal and his coat of arms with the year 1691 installed;
Reconstruction of the state around 1850; Final drawing by Gustav Darr

Reinbold considered the founder of generations in northern Germany and respected in the nobility gathered family Reinbold and one of the ancestors, for example, the writer Adelheid Reinbold (1800-1839).

The later Upper War Paying Commissioner had moved from Heidelberg to Hanover in 1658 in the wake of the then Duchess and later Electress Sophie from the Palatinate after their wedding to Prince Ernst August, Prince of Brunswick-Lüneburg .

Johann Heinrich Reinbold married Margarete von Hörsten from Osnabrück . There the couple was born in 1679, the son and later private secretary, for example the Electress Sophie, the court councilor, magistrate in Burgwedel and Bissendorf and secret office secretary Arnold Ludwig Reinbold († 1735).

In 1680 Reinbold returned to Hanover with the new Duke Ernst August. There he acquired the magnificently furnished patrician house at Osterstrasse 59 in 1689. In 1691, he had a magnificent portal with his coat of arms built into its ground floor . However, the portal was later moved to Breite Straße .

Reinbold exercised various functions in the duchy and later electorate. He was "Oberzahlcommissarius" in Braunschweig , asset manager of the elector and princely chief war paymaster. By pure bolds multiple mention in correspondence of the polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz , such as in the writing of the historian and librarian Johann Georg von Eckhart from Hannover of 11 October 1701 Leibniz, Reinbold went to the World Documentary Heritage of UNESCO one.

Johann Heinrich Reinbold died in 1699 at the age of 51.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c o. V .: Reinboldt, Johann Heinrich (1699) in the personal and correspondence database of the Leibniz Edition [undated], last accessed on June 7, 2020
  2. ^ A b Arnold Nöldeke : Osterstraße 59: (so-called "old chancellery") temporarily seat of the judicial chancellery, 1742–60 , in ders .: Monuments of the "old" city area of ​​Hanover, The art monuments of the province of Hanover. Vol. 1, Issue 2, Part 1: City of Hanover. The art monuments of the city of Hanover (= self-published by the provincial administration, Schulzes Buchhandlung, 1932, pp. 594–595
  3. a b Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm: Complete Writings and Letters , Series 1: General political and historical correspondence ed. from the Leibniz Archive of the Gottfried Wilhelm Library, Lower Saxony State Library Hanover, Volume 20: June 1701 - March 1702 , rev. by Malte-Ludolf Babin, Darmstadt: Verlag O. Reichl, 2006, ISBN 978-3-05-004200-8 and ISBN 3-05-004200-1 , p. 37; Preview over google books
  4. ^ A b c Joachim Lampe: Aristocracy, court nobility and state patriciate in Kurhannover. The spheres of life of the higher officials at the Hanoverian central and court authorities 1714–1760 (= Publications of the Historical Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen , Volume 24) (= Studies on the Estates History of Lower Saxony , Volume 2), Volume 1: Presentation , Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht , 1963, p. 253; limited preview in Google Book search
  5. a b Johannes Volkmar Wetzel: Adelheid Reinbold, Tieck's student (inaugural dissertation; Philosophical Faculty, University of Leipzig) Leipzig 1911 (with August Hoffmann), p. 11; Preview over google books
  6. Barbara Beuys : Carefree childhood. The bishop's daughter of Iburg Castle , in this: Sophie Charlotte. Prussia's first queen , 1st edition, Berlin: Insel Verlag, 2018, ISBN 978-3-458-75808-2 ; Preview over google books
  7. Joachim Lampe: Reinbold, Arnold Ludwig , in ders .: Aristocracy, court nobility and state patriciate in Kurhannover. The circles of senior civil servants at the central and court authorities of the Electorate of Hanover 1714–1760 (= Publications of the Historical Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen , Volume 24) (= Studies on the history of the estates of Lower Saxony , Volume 2), Volume 2: Lists of civil servants and pedigrees , Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1963, p. 42 and others; limited preview in Google Book search