Johann Heinrich Schütte

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Physician and natural scientist Johann Heinrich Schütte (1694–1774), approx. 1720

Johann Heinrich Schütte (born June 11, 1694 in Soest , † January 20, 1774 in Kleve ) was a German physician and naturalist .


Johann Heinrich Schütte studied among others at the University of Altdorf and Georg Wolfgang Wedel at the university in Jena medicine. After receiving his doctorate in 1719 at the University of Utrecht , he first became a city physician in Vianen . After a stopover in Soest, he moved to Kleve in 1725 and became a doctor at Schwelmischen Gesundbrunnen in 1731. In 1732 he became a garrison doctor in Hamm for a short time . He later worked as the Land Physicus of the Duchy of Cleve and the County of Mark .

During his time in Jena in 1718 he published the Flora Jenensis of his fellow student Heinrich Bernhard Rupp . As a medical student, he had forbidden to give lectures on botany in Jena, which were much better than those of the then professor Johann Adrian Slevogt . When Slevogt tried to obtain the manuscript to prevent publication, Schütte bought the Flora Jenensis manuscript from Rupp in 1717 and had it printed in 1718. Presumably this important work would never have been printed without the intervention of Schütte.

In 1720 he published the Oryktographia Jenensis , which is one of the oldest writings on the geology of Thuringia. After describing some “nature games” he also deals with nautilids, ammonites, snails and a number of shells from the shell limestone. He gives the exact locations where he or his informants saw or collected the objects discussed.

In 1741 he recognized the usability of a little before discovered mineral-rich spring in Kleve and founded the spa (1742-1914) of Bad Cleve . In 1748 he anonymously published an advertising pamphlet describing the journey of a fictional fountain company from Amsterdam and highlighting Kleve's advantages in detail.


  • Oryktographia Jenensis, sive fossilium et mineralium In agro Jenensi brevissima descriptio… cum figuris rarioribus æneis. Accedit ad illustrem & experientissimum Experientissimum Georg. Wolffg. Wedelium De vino Jenensi Epistola. Leipzig 1720 ( digitized , digitized SLUB Dresden 2nd edition, 1761).
  • Amusemens des eaux de Cleve, or amusements and delights with those waters at Cleve. For the benefit of those who see the pleasant areas and curiosities, or who want to use these mineral water. Meyer, 1748 ( digitized version ).
  • Anthropotheologia is instruction how, from the contemplation of man, namely his body, its members and their activities of the soul and its powers, one can increase and maintain the human race, life, birth, age, life goal, diseases, death, and resurrection of to the death the omnipotence, wisdom, justice, goodness and provision of God could recognize for the glorification of the great God and edification of the neighbor. Gebauer, Halle 1769 ( digitized version ).


Web links

  • Image by Johann Heinrich Schütte Digitized in Oryktographia Jenensis