Johann Heinrich Widerkehr

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Johann Heinrich Widerkehr with a Phrygian cap , posthumous anonymous portrait around 1790

Johann Heinrich Widerkehr (born May 24, 1670 in Zurich ; † July 8, 1746 there ) was an opposition Swiss politician and came from a Zurich guild master family .


Little is known about Johann Heinrich Widerkehr's living conditions. He held the position of a Zurich free captain . After the Zurich council had curtailed the right of assembly of the common guilds in December 1734, Widerkehr took the floor on December 9, 1736 in a bottle in the house of the guild at Kämbel and opposed the council's decision. Because of his improper and questionable speeches, he was immediately arrested and imprisoned in the town hall . The arrest of Widerkehr led to riots and threats to free Widerkehr and occupy the armories . Under pressure, Widerkehr relativized his allegations. The council, disagreed on the procedure, refrained from punishing recurrence. In doing so, he followed his first option, "one should not wake the sleeping dog". Alternatively, it was planned to arrest return to the Wellenberg , the crime tower in the Limmat , or in the town hall in the strictest possible way.

The revolting uprising is part of a series of inner-city disputes in the Old Confederation , in which the lower classes invoked their traditional freedoms and defended themselves against the absolutist efforts of the ruling families.


  • Agathe Straumann: The recurrent uprising in 1734 and 1736 in Zurich. Berner Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Heimatkunde, Volume 19, Bern 1957. doi : 10.5169 / seals-243421

Individual evidence

  1. Widerkehr (Wiederkehr), Johann Heinrich , entry in the portrait collection of the Herzog August Library Wolfenbüttel, accessed on February 18, 2017.