Johann Helfrich Jüngken

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Johann Helfrich Jüngken (born September 19, 1648 in Caldern (Hesse) ; † January 5, 1726 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a city physician in Frankfurt am Main and a member of the “ Leopoldina ” academy of scholars .


Johann Helfrich Jüngken (also: Johann Helfrich Jungken) first studied theology, later medicine in Marburg and Gießen and finally received his doctorate in 1672 at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg . Then he was an unsteady traveling doctor and practiced in Murten in Switzerland, among other places. He was later court physician to the Duke of Birkenfeld , personal physician to Count Erbach , later provincial physician in Mosbach in the Palatinate and finally city physician in Frankfurt am Main.

The title page of “Praxis Medica” (1689) by Johann Helfrich Jüngken shows that chymiatry is beginning to secure its place in medicine. The dominant new authority of the Ratio (shown on the title page with its daughters "Experientia" and "Chymia") begins to assert itself against the traditional medical doctrines of Greek and Roman antiquity.

On February 19, 1696, Johann Helfrich Jungken, nicknamed Apollonius I, was accepted as a member ( matriculation no. 219 ) of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.


  • Chymia experimentalis curiosa: ex principiis mathematicis demonstrata … à Sande, Frankfurt 1681 (digitized version ) ; 1702 (digitized version)
  • Medicus praesenti saeculo accomodandus: per veram philosophiam spagiricam, rerum naturalium veris fundamentis exornandus, faciliori omnis generis morbos curandi method illustrandus. Frankfurt 1682, part 1 (digitized version) , part 2 (digitized version)
  • Clearly and well-founded comments on the Chymische Artzneyen Johannis Poppii ... Part: Understanding itself Vielerley yes, several hundred wonderful processes, healing Artzney remedies, secret manipulations, strange experiments, uncommon and rare cures, including many remarkable medicinal histories ... Zieger Nuremberg 1686 (digitized version)
  • Notae In Notas Et Commentaria Joh. Agricolae, In Poppium,: Cum Additamentis Ex Recentiorum Principiis enatis . Zigerus, Nuremberg 1686 (digitized version )
  • Special stretcher useful, also necessary comments, a careful upbringing of the young children and their ailments: communicated to all careful mothers about the necessary instruction. Zieger, Nuremberg 1688 (digitized version)
  • Praxis medica: sive corporis medicina morborum internorum corporeae machinae fere omnium et fiendi et curandi methodum ... Zieger, Frankfurt 1689 (digitized version )
  • Compendium chirurgiae manualis absolutum: or a perfect but short term for all manual labor or operations d. Surgery, such as e. every righteous surgeon u. Field shearers to know absolute necessities. Zieger Franckfurt 1691 (digitized version)
  • Fundamenta Medicinae modernae eclectica, ubi physices compendio praemisso, ad Cartesii potissimum mentem conscripto, ex celeberrimis neotericis sciptoribus medicis talis per omnes medicinae partes traditur selectus; cui Ars Medica, per varia opinionum & sententiarum discrimina hactenus volutata, firmius nunc innititur. Zieger, Frankfurt 1693 (digitized version)
  • Modernæ praxeos medicæ vademecum, pro mempria sublevanda conscriptum. Zieger, Frankfurt 1694 (digitized version)
  • Lexicon pharmaceuticum: pro maiori commoditate in duas partes divisum . Zieger, Frankfurt 1694 (digitized) 2nd edition, Zieger, Frankfurt 1709 (digitized) 2nd edition, Rüdigerus, Nuremberg 1716 (digitized) ; 3rd edition, Rüdigerus, Nuremberg 1785 (digitized version )
  • Description of their virtues, powers and use, one, by an old cavalier and colonel, took Monck, in the case of Panacea and Tinctura Aurea, which were only recently made known to us, as well as others, some of which were previously famous, but now highly valued medicaments, 1697. ( digitized version ).
  • Opiologia Nova, Modernis Artis Medicae Principiis Superstructa Ineffabiles Opii Sane Divini Vires Et Effectus Ad Omnes corporis cruciatus juxta rationes leges accomodans . Stockius, Frankfurt 1697 (digitized version )
  • Embser bath and fountain cure: in which the contenta alcalica of these baths and fountains, which has therefore never been known, was laid ... Bourgeat, Frankfurt 1700 (digitalisat)
  • Nephrologia nova et curiosa. Stock, Frankfurt 1709 (digitized version)
  • Corpus pharmaceutico-chymico-medicum: sive concordantia pharmaceuticorum compositorum discordans; modernis medicinae practicis dicata; quippe in ea invenient tantum non omnia notissimorum dispensatoriorum, tam veterum nunc minus consueta, quam & recentiorum hodierno die magis usualia composita, juxta morborum seriem ita disposita, ut uberrima inde pateat & in promptu sit materia medica cujusvis genio nata . Knoch, Frankfurt 1697 (digitized version) ; 2nd edition 1711 (digitized version)
  • Lexicon chimico-pharmaceuticum: in 2 partes divisum. Zieger, Nuremberg 1699, part 2 (digitized version)
  • Sensible and experienced personal doctor, who teaches how a person from the medicin does not make a professional, recognizing his own body, guarding himself against all kinds of accidents, as well as guessing quickly on illnesses . Fritsch, Leipzig 1699 (digitized version)
  • Chymia experimentalis: sive, naturalis philosophia mechanica: ubi prior pars generosiorum remediorum fabricam ex triplici regno cum omnibus manipulationibus fideliter exhibit, pars altera eâdem medicamenta, inter alia, ad quoscunque morbos generaliter adaptare docet. Adjectis monitis medicis affectibus puerorum concernentibus nec non experimentis rerum naturalium principia commentarii, loco illustrantibus . JM à Sande, Frankfurt 1702 (digitized version)
  • Kurtz and in one and other things anitzo increased description of the clock-old world-famous scientific baths, their content, virtue, strength and legal use.Work at the same time some, these baths, especially by interested Medicis, as in such matters inexperienced people, made or imagined false and erroneous edition, and harmful præiudicium: Whether these baths would be too hot and not so safe to use as others, ventilated, and in the right understanding of truth completely contrary and false, divorced and rejected , printed by Joh. Phil. Andreä , Frankfurt am Main, 1707. Frankfurt; Issue 1715 (digitized version)
  • Chirurgia manualis: or, more briefly, the perfect term that refers to d. Surgery in specie related operations or hand-works; like such e. to learn righteous surgeon experimentaliter u. it is absolutely necessary to know ... Zieger, Nuremberg 1710 (digitized version )
  • Compendium Physicae, secundum Democriti … Johann Adolph Stock, Frankfurt 1713 (digitized version)
  • Jüngken, Johann Helfrich and Alardus Mauritius Eggerdes : New warhaffte Idea and illustration of the plague , 1715.
  • Well-instructing, careful medicus: who according to the basic rules so from d. today's anatomy u. Chemistry taken all inner parts d. human Leibes describes ... Rüdiger, Nuremberg 1725 (digitized version)


  • Andreas Elias Büchner : Academiae Sacri Romani Imperii Leopoldino-Carolinae Natvrae Cvriosorvm Historia. Litteris et impensis Ioannis Iustini Gebaueri, Halae Magdebvrgicae 1755, De Collegis, p. 482 ( digitized version ).
  • Johann Daniel Ferdinand Neigebaur : History of the imperial Leopoldino-Carolinische German academy of natural scientists during the second century of its existence. Friedrich Frommann , Jena 1860, p. 201 ( ).
  • Willi Ule : History of the Imperial Leopoldine-Carolinian German Academy of Natural Scientists during the years 1852–1887 . With a look back at the earlier times of its existence. Commissioned by Wilhelm Engelmann in Leipzig, Halle 1889, supplements and additions to Neigebaur's history, p. 152 ( digitized version ).
  • Wolfgang U. Eckart : Die nachparacelsische Iatrochemie , in: Wolfgang U. Eckart: History of Medicine, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, New York et al., 1st edition 1990, pp. 151-153.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dictionnaire des sciences médicales. Biography médicale . Volume 5, Panckoucke, Paris 1822, pp. 377–379 (digitized version )
  2. ^ Wilhelm Stricker . Johann Helfrich Jüngken . In: Ernst Julius Gurlt and August Hirsch (eds.). Biographies of the outstanding physicians of all times and peoples . Volume 3, Urban & Schwarzenberg, Vienna and Leipzig 1886, pp. 421–422 (digitized version )
  3. Wolfgang U. Eckart : Die nachparacelsische Iatrochemie , in: Wolfgang U. Eckart: Geschichte der Medizin, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, New York et al., 1st edition 1990, pp. 152 + 153.

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