Johann II. (Sponheim-Starkenburg)

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Count Johann II. Von Sponheim (* between 1265 and 1270; † February 22 or March 29, 1324 ) zu Starkenburg came from the noble family of Sponheim and ruled the rear county of Sponheim for 35 years from 1289 to 1324.


Johann II von Sponheim married Katharina von Ochsenstein (niece of King Rudolf von Habsburg). A previously suspected marriage with a Katharina von Vianden has now been refuted. Johann was part of Henry VII and was thus in opposition to the front county of Sponheim. He took part in the Rome train and is shown as a participant in the illustrated chronicle . He becomes a citizen of the city of Trier through a letter dated 1305 , which, on the other hand, undertakes to pay him an annual fee of 100 pfennigs. Count Johann II of Sponheim-Starkenburg appears in documents from 1309 and 1310 as governor . Confirmation of all the privileges that King Heinrich and other imperial ancestors had bestowed upon him was granted by Emperor Ludwig in 1314; in the same year he was appointed by Elector Baldwin of Trier as the highest bailiff of the Trierische Lande, located between the Moselle and the Rhine . Johann II was buried in the Himmerod monastery.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Genealogical website about Katharina von Ochsenstein
  2. ^ Johannes Mötsch: Genealogy of the Counts of Sponheim, P. 130, in: Yearbook for West German State History. Volume 13, 1987, pp. 63-179
  3. a b Karl von Damitz: The Moselle with its banks and surroundings from Koblenz up to Trier: in [30] steel engravings [with map of the Moselle course]: with the accompanying text and some episodes from the modern world , Schumacher, Cöln 1838
  4. ^ Announcements of the Residences Commission of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen, Issue 16/1, 2006
  5. Joseph Eutych Kopp, Aloïs Lütolf, Arnold Busson: History of the federal leagues. With certificates. Weidmannsche Buchhandlung 1854
  6. Fr. Menk .: Des Moselthal's sagas, legends and stories , Koblenz, J. Hölscher 1840
  7. ^ Johann Christian von Stramberg: Memorable and useful Rheinischer Antiquarius. Dept. III Vol. 1 , Koblenz, Rud. Friedr. Hergt 1853
  8. Authorization of Count Johann II to this marriage to Georg Christian Crollius : Lecture: from the second generation of the Counts of Veldenz, from the house of the gentlemen of Geroldseck in Ortenau. Historia et Commentationes. Academiae Electoralis Scientiarvm et Elegantiorvm Litterarvm Theodoro-Palatinae. Mannhemii Typis Academicis 1778
predecessor Office successor
Heinrich I. Count of Sponheim
Henry II