Johann Joseph Hoffmann

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Johan Joseph Hoffmann

Johann Joseph Hoffmann (born February 16, 1805 in Würzburg , † January 23, 1878 in The Hague ) was a German philologist and well-known expert on the Chinese and Japanese languages .

Hoffmann studied philology in Würzburg and then turned to Holland, where he studied the Chinese and Japanese languages. As a result, he was appointed honorary professor of the languages ​​mentioned at the University of Leiden on March 21, 1855 . He died in The Hague on January 23, 1878.

Of his publications, the Catalogus librorum et manuscriptorum japonicorum (Leiden 1845) and the Japanese language theory (Leiden 1877; addendum: Japanese Studies , 1878) are to be emphasized.

He joined forces with the natural scientist Philipp Franz von Siebold to publish the extensive work Nippon. Archive describing Japan and its neighboring and protected countries: Jezo with the southern Kuriles, Krafto, Koorai and the Liukiu Islands, edited from Japanese and European writings and own observations. Leiden 1832-1851 (20 sections).


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