Johann Joseph von Baader

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Johann Joseph Ritter von Baader (* 1733 at Freiberg Castle in Styria , † January 13, 1810 in Ofen , Hungary) was Imperial Field Marshal Lieutenant for the Austrian Habsburgs .


At the age of 23 Baader became an ensign in the imperial infantry regiment Sachsen-Hildburghausen , in which he fought in the Seven Years' War . In 1758 he became a subordinate, in 1766 a captain, in 1776 a major , in 1784 a lieutenant colonel and in 1788 a colonel. In 1778 he was knighted with two brothers. In the course of the First Coalition War (campaign of 1793) he distinguished himself in Bodental , Bergzabern and the retreat from the Riedheimer Anhöhe. In the Bodental he stormed the enemy camp with two companies and captured three cannons, in the latter battle he was wounded. He then became major-general and lieutenant-field marshal, came to Klagenfurt and Graz as a commandant, and finally as a fortress commander in the Hungarian furnace .
