Johann Ludwig Thierry

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Johann Ludwig (Jean Louis) Thierry (born March 5, 1792 in Hanover ; † July 5, 1847 in Dockenhuden ) was a Hamburg merchant, initially together with his childhood friend Joh. Heinr. Carl Höber in the company Thierry Anderson et Höber and then until his death as a sole trader and lord of the Holstein estates of Jersbek and Stegen (1827 to 1840).

Johann Ludwig Thierry (his ancestors were Huguenots and originally from Switzerland) was the son of Carl Ludwig Thierry and Dorothea Amalia Borckenstein. He was married to Charlotte Godeffroy (born April 13, 1791 in Hamburg, † March 10, 1880 in Dockenhuden), daughter of Peter Godeffroy (born June 4, 1749 in Hamburg, † May 13, 1822 in Dockenhuden). The marriage remained childless. Charlotte Thierry was u. a. friends with Franziska, called Fanny , Caspers , a friend of Bertel Thorvaldsen . Some letters have been preserved in the archive of the Thorvaldsen Museum .

After the death of his father-in-law Peter Godeffroy, he acquired the western part of the Dockenhuden country estate with the P. Godeffroy country house , now known as the "White House" , Elbchaussee 547, Dockenhuden district, which is now owned by the Rantzau family (later also called 'Thierrys Park' or 'Ole Hoop'). Peter Godeffroy had the interior of his country house decorated with plaster casts of reliefs and figures from ancient Rome, including a statue of Venus, which was originally intended for the marble palace in the New Garden in Potsdam, because the architect Hansen made one from the insurance fund Blankenese had been able to acquire the stranded ship. After Johann Ludwig Thierry died in 1847, the widow sold the 'Ole Hoop' property to her sister-in-law Marianne Godeffroy , b. Jenisch, whereby she reserved a lifelong usufruct.


  • Bernhard Koerner (Ed.): German Gender Book , (Third Hamburg Volume), Volume 21, Görlitz 1912, p. 21 ff. (Gender: Boué).
  • Edmund Strutz (ed.): German Gender Book , (Ninth Hamburg Volume), Volume 127, Limburg an der Lahn 1961, p. 310 (Gender: Peter Godeffroy).
  • Edmund Strutz (ed.): German Gender Book , (Tenth Hamburg Volume), Volume 128, Limburg an der Lahn 1961, p. 1 ff. (Gender: Boué).
  • German gender book , single print from the tenth Hamburg volume, Limburg an der Lahn 1962, 28 (Appendix Boué).
  • Hamburg address books from 1796 to 1847. ( online )
  • Axel Lohr: The history of the Jersbek estate from 1588 to the present , Diss. Phil. Hamburg 2007, Stormarner booklets No. 24, Neumünster 2007.
  • Werner Johannsen: Who they were ... where they rest , A guide to remarkable graves at the Nienstedten cemetery , 3rd edition, Kiel 2004.
  • Bärbel Hedinger (Ed.), CF Hansen in Hamburg, Altona and the Elbe suburbs , Berlin 2000.
  • Gabriele Hoffmann : The house on the Elbchaussee , The Godeffroys - Rise and Fall of a Dynasty, Hamburg 1998.
  • Paul Theodor Hoffmann: The Elbchaussee: their country seats, people and fates , 9th edition, Hamburg 1982.

Individual evidence

  1. The company was closed on December 11, 1818. ( State and learned newspaper of the Hamburg impartial correspondent , supplement No. 16, of January 27, 1819, (unpag., Digitizedhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3DjYopAAAAYAAJ~IA%3D~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3DPP178~ double-sided%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D ))
  2. Franziska Caspers. In: Personer. Arkivet, Thorvaldsens Museum, March 4, 2016, accessed August 31, 2016 (Danish).
  3. ^ Friedrich Johann Lorenz Meyer : Sketches for a painting from Hamburg , Vol. 1, Fried. Herm. Nestler, Hamburg, 1801, p. 318 digitizedhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3DkkwDAAAAYAAJ~IA%3D~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3DPA318~ double-sided%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D