Johann Michael Bach (Gehren)

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Johann Michael Bach Monument in Gehren

Johann Michael Bach (baptized August 9th July / August 19,  1648 greg. In Arnstadt ; † May 17, July / May 27,  1694 greg. In Gehren ), also called "Gehrener Bach", was a German composer from the Bach family .

Johann Michael Bach was a son of Heinrich Bach and initially worked as a cantor in Arnstadt, then from 1673 as an organist and town clerk in Gehren. His daughter Maria Barbara Bach , born there in 1684, was Johann Sebastian Bach's first wife .

Cantatas and motets as well as organ chorals by Johann Michael Bach are preserved in the Altbach archive .


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  1. A problematic reference to a Johann Michael Bach exists in: Hermann Ritter (Hrsg.): Allgemeine Illustrierte Encyklopädie der Musikgeschichte 1902. Quotation: “Johann Michael Bach, who was born in Arnstadt in 1660 (!), Was an organist and town clerk in Gehren [ Principality of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen], where he died in 1723 (!). "This seems to be a mix-up, because the dates given here for the" Gehrener Bach "correspond to those of Johann Lorenz Stauber (1660–1723)