Johann Nepomuk Idtensohn

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Johann Nepomuk Idtensohn (born May 18, 1827 in Wil SG ; † May 19, 1892 ) was a Swiss priest. From 1876 until his death he was the librarian of the Abbey Library in St. Gallen .


Johann Nepomuk Idtensohn grew up in Wil and prepared in St. Gallen for his higher studies in philosophy, which he began in Lucerne in 1846 , continued from the winter semester of 1847 at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg and completed his doctorate there in 1950. Ordained a priest, he worked as a cathedral vicar in St. Gallen, as a chaplain and professor in Lichtensteig and Rorschach , as a religion teacher at the cantonal school , and then from 1865 to 1872 as a pastor in Oberriet . In 1876 ​​he was appointed to the St. Gallen Abbey Library by the parish of Niederbüren . With his help, the Abbey Library Commission compiled a list of the most important codices that were not to be given outside the home, i.e. not to be sent to scholars and libraries around the world. While only 72 manuscript volumes were used in 1877, their number rose steadily during his time and in 1890 reached 410 volumes.

Idtensohn died after four years of illness at midnight on May 19, 1892. In the obituary in the Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen , which was taken from the newspaper Ostschweiz of May 24, 1892, one could read:

"There are few librarian directors in Germany, and probably elsewhere in Europe too, who have not received the gracious courtesy of the deceased director of the famous St. Gallen monastery library."

A portrait of him is in the St. Gallen Cantonal Library .

Individual evidence

  1. other sources according to born on May 15th, z. B. Historical Association of the Canton of St.Gallen (PDF; 298 kB).
  2. Stiftsarchiv St. Gallen. Retrieved March 16, 2018 .
  3. Johann Nepomuk Idtensohn (1827- † 1892). In: Daniel Stieger: Important people in Oberriet (incl. Kobelwald, Montlingen, Kriessern, etc.). Clergymen, pastors, chaplains, organists, messmer.
  4. a b c † Abbey Librarian JN Idtensohn. In: Central Journal for Libraries. Vol. 9, No. 7/8, 1892, pp. 358-360 .
  5. Marcel Senn : A journey through time through medieval Zurich. In: Lukas Gschwend (Hrsg.): Crossing borders and new horizons. Contributions to the legal and regional history of Switzerland and Lake Constance (= European legal and regional history. Vol. 1). Dike, Zurich et al. 2007, ISBN 978-3-037-51000-1 , pp. 331–342, here p. 438.
  6. ^ Collections of the Cantonal Library: Directory of Individual Portraits. Cantonal Library of St. Gallen; Status: September 15, 2009, p. 27.
predecessor Office successor
Otto Zardetti Librarian from St. Gallen
Adolf Fäh