Johann Nepomuk von Effner

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Johann Nepomuk von Effner (born September 30, 1757 in Straubing , † June 3, 1817 in Munich ) was a royal Bavarian privy councilor, mayor and mayor of Munich, member of the constitutional commission 1814/15.


Johann Nepomuk von Effner was the son of the Bavarian government council and salt official in Straubing Gaudenz Joseph Jacob von Effner and his wife Adelheid Selzkorn and grandson of the famous builder Joseph Effner . The father's rise to the nobility "for himself and his descendants" took place on March 4, 1765.

The epitaph of Cäcilie von Effner in St. Michael Perlach

From 1774 to 1776 Johann Nepomuk was a law student in Ingolstadt. Effner was the owner of the Hofmarkitz Perlachort from 1785 to 1792 . His first wife, Cäcilie von Bergmann, daughter of the mayor Michael Adam Bergmann , died at the age of 26 on November 23, 1789. Her epitaph is in the parish church of St. Michael Perlach with a moving inscription in Kurrent script :

 To the Memory of the best and noblest of her sex
 Mary Cecilia of Effner gebohrene Bergmann -
 weyhet Diess small monument great love
 Nepomuk the surviving spouse John of Effner.
 Chur princely Councilor
 Mayors and Chief Justice ...

From his second marriage to Elisabetha Freiin von Erdt there were two sons and two daughters. The baroness was also the long-time lover of King Max I.

In 1814 Effner was appointed to the commission for drafting a Bavarian constitution .


(after Marcus D. Ernst)

September 1, 1778 Court council advisor .
June 21, 1779 Really frequenting Councilor from the Knight's Bank .
April 19, 1784 Real haunted clergyman advice .
January 31, 1786 Dismissal with the right to return to the previous offices, at one's own request, in order to be able to take up the post of city judge at the city council of Munich.
1790 at the latest Mayor, city judge and penitentiary commissioner, real non-frequenting court councilor and non-frequenting clerical council.
1791 Impeachment; the rights reserved in 1786 are denied.
July 14, 1797 Re-employment as a really frequenting court advisor from the knight's bank.
June 25, 1799 Restoration of its former rank.
17th January 1800 Audit Council.
no year Supreme Judicial Council in Munich.
November 17, 1806 Secret trainee in the Secret Ministry of State, Department of Justice under Minister Heinrich Theodor Graf Topor von Morawitzky ,
from August 14, 1810 under Heinrich Graf von Reigersberg .
November 27, 1808 Real private council in the ordinary service (effective member) in the section of the judiciary.
September 17, 1814 Appointment as a member of the constitutional commission 1814/15.
February 2, 1817 Real Councilor of State in the ordinary service in the section of Justice and General Director of the Royal State Ministry of Justice (StMJu) alongside his General Director von der Becke, still under Count von Reigersberg.
May 3, 1817 Confirmation as Real Council of State in the ordinary service in the section of the judiciary.


Order of Civil Merit , Knight (May 19, 1808), Commander (October 26, 1810).

Individual evidence

  1. enrolled on January 25, 1813 with the aristocratic class (aristocratic register, Bavarian Main State Archives, Department II. Ad E 8 with note)
  2. U. Walter: "The Epitaph of Cäcilie von Effner in St. Michael Perlach", Perlach Heimatarchiv (full text)
  3. Eberhard Weis, "Montgelas, 1759-1799: Between Revolution and Reform, Volume 2", p. 482 (footnote 33), CH Beck, 1971


  • Marcus D. Ernst: The Bavarian Aristocracy and Modern Bavaria , Inaugural Dissertation to Obtain a Doctorate in Philosophy at the University of Passau, December 2001 (full text)