Johann Schaevius

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Johann Schaevius (* 25. March 1680 in Mölln ; † 14. May 1743 in Lübeck ) was a German lawyer and syndic of Lübeck .


Johann Schaevius was the son of the Mayor of Mölln, Henrich Schaeve. He studied law from 1699 at the University of Jena and from 1701 at the University of Halle .

After a break in studies from 1703, he resumed his studies in 1709 at the University of Helmstedt , where he received his doctorate in law in 1712. He then took over the state syndicate of the Lauenburg knighthood. In 1713 he became a consultant to the Mecklenburg knighthood. In 1716 Schaevius became a member of the Lauenburg Court Court as an extraordinary assessor.

In autumn 1719 he was elected to the council syndicate in Lübeck and took up his new office in February 1720. In 1730, the Lübeck Council made use of its not undisputed right to fill the post of provost at Lübeck Cathedral , which had become vacant through the death of Johann Ludwig von Pincier, with the council syndicus Schaevius, who had now earned himself. The election of the council was initially not recognized by the cathedral chapter. After a process before the Reichshofrat and subsequent confirmation by the Lübeck prince-bishop Adolf Friedrich , Schaevius was only introduced into his office by the chapter in 1733. During his term of office as Syndicus, the self-completion of the Lübeck Council, forced by the citizens, fell in 1739 . Towards the end of his service in Lübeck, his experience from working in Saxony-Lauenburg came in handy. The Duchy of Braunschweig-Lüneburg and thus indirectly the Kingdom of Great Britain , which was linked in personal union , had become the legal successor to the extinct dukes of Saxony-Lauenburg and had been pushing for a solution to the question of the Möllner pertinence since 1722 . His publications on the Lübeck legal position on this question have survived from this time. His publishing counterpart in Hanover was the archivist Johann Gottfried von Miere . Schaevius died in 1743 before the matter was resolved in 1747. The lawyer Philipp Caspar Lamprecht , who was elected councilor in 1744 , continued the negotiation in the final phase together with the mayors involved.

The rector of the Katharineum in Lübeck Johann Henrich von Seelen gave Johann Schaevius the funeral speech. He was buried in a burial chapel of the Burgkirche ( Maria Magdalenen Church (Lübeck) ).

Schaevius was the father of councilor Johann Friedrich Schaevius . His successor as provost of the cathedral was Jakob Levin von Plessen .


  • Apologia Lubecensium , 1740
  • Thorough deduction that the ancient so-called Terra Mölne or Die Herrschektiven und Land-Vogtey des Landes Möllen through the pledge of the town of Möllen, which was concluded in 1359 between the former Duke of Saxony-Lauenburg and the imperial city of Lübeck Lübeck did not come nor was it transported: With enclosure no. I. to No. XIII. inclusive , Green, Lübeck 1741


Individual evidence

  1. Thorough message from the Kaiserl. freyen and the HR Reich city of Lübeck. , P. 270