Johann Sigmund Ulitsch

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Johann Sigmund Ulitsch , also Johann Sigismund Ulitsch (born March 24, 1702 in Frankfurt an der Oder , † April 21, 1762 in Segeberg ) was a German pietistic clergyman.


Ulitsch studied at the Universities of Jena and Halle and, after graduating in June 1727, became an informator for the education department of the orphanage in Halle . In 1729 he was appointed court deacon by Count Christoph Friedrich zu Stolberg-Stolberg because the Countess zu Stolberg, a born Freiin von Bibra, had taken great pleasure in his sermons in the orphanage in Halle. Ulitsch's sermons at Stolberg Castle experienced an enormous influx of citizens of the city of Stolberg and had to be moved to the orphanage. The countess stayed away from the evangelical services of the superintendent of Stolberg. The previous inspector of the orphanage, the chronicler Zeitfuchs, was replaced by Ulitsch. The Count's Consistory turned against the private edification meetings that Ulitsch set up and which were also attended by the Councilor of Caprivi. This led to Ulitsch's resignation in 1730.

Ulitsch went to Berum near Aurich as court preacher to Princess Sophie Karoline of East Friesland . There, too, his sermons were very popular. From King Christian VI. of Denmark , the princess's brother-in-law, he was called to Tönning as chief preacher in 1739 . There he again had arguments with other clergymen in the city, but was sponsored by the king and, thanks to his support, was able to found an orphanage in 1743. In 1751 he took over the post of provost in Segeberg.

Ulitsch published a few sermons and edifying reflections and also composed hymns that found their way into some hymn books of his time.

Works (selection)

  • Letter of the Duty of a Faithful Teacher Intended for Private Buildings, To Sr. of Abbot Steinmetzens Jm Closter Berga, Reverend. Wernigerode 1735
  • Testimony of the bliss of Christ's sheep: on the prince. Berum Castle. 1737


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