Johann Tobias Gottfried Trost

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Johann Tobias Gottfried Trost (* 1651 in Halberstadt ; † February 2, 1721 in Gotha ) was a Central German organ builder and the father of Tobias Heinrich Gottfried Trost .


Förner organ in Neu-Augustenburg Castle, on which Trost worked in 1673

(Johann) Tobias Gottfried Trost was born as the son of the theologian and musician Johann Caspar Trost the Elder in a family of instrument makers. His father, who also composed and wrote music-theoretical writings, is documented as organist at St. Martini in Halberstadt from 1661 to 1676 . There his son of the same name became his successor. Tobias Gottfried Trost was probably born during the father's term of office. An influence from Johann Caspar Trost the Elder is considered certain. Ä. and his brother and organ builder Lorenz (Sebastian) Förner on Andreas Werckmeister .

Tobias Gottfried Trost learned organ building from Christian Förner , son of Lorenz Förner. During these ten years or so , his work on organ building in Hallesches Dom (1667?), In Neu-Augustusburg Castle in Weißenfels (1673) and in Halle, St. Ulrich (1673–1675) is attested.

He married in Halberstadt in 1679 and is documented below in various Central German locations. His daughters Johanna Margaretha and Christina Dorothea were born in Belgern .


Apart from a few remains, nothing of its organ structures has survived. Further organ building activities in the Leipzig area are suspected.

In the dispositions consolation continues the tradition Förners. They reflect the classic structure of his teacher, but reveal a preference for the Sesquialtera . The bow registers are somewhat in the background in favor of the richly developed reeds . Trost likes to use typical baroque secondary registers and effect registers such as Vogelsang, Zimbelstern and Heer timpani.

Förner's organ building skills and his family tradition conveyed consolation to his only son Heinrich Gottfried Trost.

List of works

year place church image Manuals register Remarks
1684 Belgians Saint Bartholomew II / P 22nd New building
1686-1689 Mutzschen I / P 14th New building
around 1689 Grimma Nimbschen Monastery Repair?
1694-1695 Leipzig Johanniskirche I / P 10 New construction of a positive; Torn down in 1742 and sold to Laussig
1695-1696 Cannewitz New building
1697-1701 Bad Langensalza St. Stephani III / P 34 New building
1697-1704 Tonna Parish church New building
1701-1704 Greetings St. Martini II / P 21st
1711 Illeben I / P 12 New building
1717 Seven lives Parish church New building


  • Felix Friedrich: The organ builder Heinrich Gottfried Trost. Life - work - performance . German publishing house for music, Leipzig 1989, ISBN 3-370-00287-6 .
  • Christoph Wolff , Markus Zepf: The organs of JS Bach. A manual . Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig 2006, ISBN 3-374-02407-6 .

Individual evidence

  1. Felix Friedrich: The organ builder Heinrich Gottfried Trost . 1989, p. 12f.
  2. Felix Friedrich: The organ builder Heinrich Gottfried Trost . 1989, p. 14.
  3. Felix Friedrich: The organ builder Heinrich Gottfried Trost . 1989, p. 16.
  4. ^ Christoph Wolff, Markus Zepf: The organs of JS Bach . 2006, 71.