Johann Wurth

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Johann Wurth (born July 9, 1828 in Trumau , † July 8, 1870 in Münchendorf ) was an Austrian teacher , poet and collector of legends and fairy tales.


He came from a poor background, his father was a weaver from the Waldviertel . After attending elementary school, he worked for three years in the Trumau spinning factory, then on the advice of the local pastor, Fr. Friedrich Lewandersky from Heiligenkreuz , at the age of 18 he trained as a teacher at the pedagogical institute in St. Anna ( today St. Annahof ) in Vienna to begin. After that, he began working for several years in various incorporated parishes of the Heiligenkreuz Abbey: from 1847 to April 1851 he was a school assistant in Münchendorf, then briefly in Gaaden , and then as an assistant teacher in Heiligenkreuz. In April 1857 he became a primary school teacher in Münchendorf, and in July he married Karoline Weißenberger. Through his job, he came into contact with school councilor Moritz A. von Becker , who u. a. Was teacher of Crown Prince Rudolf . Wurth corresponded with Hugo Mareta , Theodor Vernaleken , Johann Matthias Firmenich-Richartz , Georg Karl Frommann , Karl Weinhold , Ignaz Zingerle and Franz Pfeiffer and owned a library with over 2000 books.

In the dispute over the school reform , he represented the church camp.


  • over 700 poems
  • Articles in magazines such as Oesterreichische Schulbote , the Oesterreichischen pedagogical weekly newspaper and the Allgemeine Österreichische Schulzeitung
  • Collection of songs, sagas and customs, folk traditions and dialect expressions


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