John of Aragon

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John of Aragon (* 1439 or 1440 ; † November 18, 1475 in Albalate de Cinca ( Aragon )), Aragonese Chuan d'Aragón , Catalan Joan d'Aragó , Spanish Juan de Aragón , was an Aragonese politician and military . Pope Innocent VIII awarded him the title Archbishop of Saragossa in 1458 . He did not become a priest , therefore not for Archbishop ordained .

Johann was one of the six known illegitimate children of the then King John II of Navarre . Another illegitimate son of King John was Alfonso of Aragon and Escobar .

Johann's half-siblings from his father's marital connections included Karl von Viana , Blanka von Aragon, who was married to Henry IV of Castile from 1440 to 1453 , Eleanor and Ferdinand .

Johann was not very interested in church affairs and left them to be dealt with by deputies who acted on his behalf. In 1467, John of Aragon had the wooden sculptures of the main altar of the Cathedral of Saragossa replaced by colored sculptures made of alabaster , which were made by the sculptor Hans Peter Danzer . At John's instigation, the cathedral of Saragossa was equipped with a new organ in 1469.

As Archbishop of Saragossa, John of Aragon commanded a powerful force of knights and associated infantry . With this he supported his father and his brothers Alfons and Ferdinand in the fighting of the civil wars in Navarre, in Catalonia and in the fight against France.

The Archbishop of Saragossa chaired the Chamber of the Clergy ( brazo del clero ) of the Cortes of Aragon and thus had a strong influence on the proceedings and decisions of this body. His father Johann II entrusted Johann with other political tasks, including temporarily acting as the king's deputy in the Kingdom of Aragon.

Johann was buried in the Cathedral of Saragossa.

Individual evidence

  1. Francisco Fernandez Serrano: Obispos auxiliares de Zaragoza en tiempo de los Arzobispos de la Casa Real de Aragón (1460-1575) . Institución Fernando el Católico, Zaragoza 1969 (Spanish, [PDF; accessed on February 28, 2016]).
  2. Pedro Calahorra Martínez: Documentos referentes al órgano que el arzobispo zaragozano Don Juan I donó en 1469 a su catedral, la Igleisia de San Salvador -la Seo- de Zaragoza . In: Aragón en la Edad Media . No. 20 , 2008, p. 153–161 (Spanish, [accessed March 20, 2016]).
  3. Aragon, Juan de. In: Gran Enciclopedia Aragonesa OnLine. May 3, 2011, Retrieved April 16, 2016 (Spanish).
predecessor Office successor
Dalmacio de Mur y de Cervelló Archbishop of Saragossa
Ausias de Puggio