Johann von Hattstein (Canon)

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Johann von Hattstein on his tomb
Tomb, cloister, Mainz Cathedral

Johann von Hattstein (* around 1455; † September 13, 1518 in Mainz ) was a clergyman from the von Hattstein family who received an art-historically valuable epitaph in the cloister of the Mainz Cathedral .


He was born the son of hen of Hattstein († 1465), Nassauischer bailiff to Camberg and Usingen , and his wife Leuckel gen von Praunheim. Klettenberg . Marquard († 1581), the son of his nephew Conrad von Hattstein († 1553), officiated as Prince-Bishop of Speyer .


Johann von Hattstein studied in Erfurt and Heidelberg . He became canon in Mainz and had been cathedral capitular since 1478 at the latest , as he was promoted to master builder (magister fabricae) of the cathedral monastery in that year. Under his leadership, the Aegidius Choir of the Memorie was built at Mainz Cathedral in 1483, and in 1498/99 today's bishop's sacristy, the Marienkapelle and a new cathedral entrance. In addition, he had the west tower (now in baroque style) crowned with a mighty Gothic spire and the parish church of Geisenheim built. The humanist Johannes Aesticampianus dedicated a hymn to him in 1507.

He died in 1518 and received a precious epitaph in the cloister of Mainz Cathedral, which is considered the first Renaissance monument in the Middle Rhine region. According to the inscription, it was donated by the "surviving friends" . The middle part consists of a finely crafted tuff stone - Pietà , which Peter Schro , a student of Hans Backoffen , is ascribed to; Johann von Hattstein kneels in front of it on the left.


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