Johann von Rohr

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Johann von Rohr (born November 19, 1579 , † September 11, 1624 in Magdeburg ) was a German chamberlain and court official.


Johann comes from the old noble family Rohr and was the son of the governor in Ziesar Bernhard von Rohr and his wife Hedwig von Dannewitz. When Bernhard von Rohr died in 1584, the governor of the Archbishopric of Magdeburg, Joachim von Rohr , a relative, took over the guardianship of the five-year-old Johann. In 1588 Rohr's mother was appointed court master of the Electress Elisabeth. Therefore, Johann von Rohr was brought up together with the sons of Elector Johann Georg von Brandenburg .

In the summer of 1598, Rohr enrolled at the University of Leipzig . But after a year he dropped out and returned to his mother. Meanwhile she lived in Kossen at the court of the also widowed Electress Elisabeth.

From 1601 to 1603 Rohr undertook his Grand Tour through France , Great Britain and the Netherlands . Shortly after his return to Kossen, he married Benigna, a daughter of Benno Friedrich Brand von Lindau . From 1603 on, he served Margrave Christian of Brandenburg-Bayreuth as a chamberlain for two years . He then went, also as a chamberlain, from 1605 to 1608 in Zechlin to the court of Prince Elector Johann Sigismund.

In 1608 Rohr was appointed governor of Ziesar. As such, he was accepted into the Fruitful Society in 1621 - most likely at the same time as his father-in-law - by Prince Ludwig I of Anhalt-Köthen . The prince gave him the company name of Peaceful and the motto of Gentleness . An olive tree ( Olea europaea L. ) was assigned to Rohr as an emblem. Rohr's entry can be found in the Koethen Society Register under number 37.

In 1623 he resigned all offices and retired to his Schrepkow estate in Ostprignitz . At the age of 45, Johann von Rohr died on September 11, 1624 in Magdeburg.

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