Johann of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf

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Johann of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf

Johann von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf , known as Bishop Hans (born March 18, 1606 at Gottorf Castle ; † February 21, 1655 in Eutin ), was Johann X. Protestant Prince-Bishop of the Principality of Lübeck .

Johann was a younger son of Duke Johann Adolf von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf and the nephew of the previous Prince-Bishop Johann Friedrich , whom he succeeded in 1634.

As the first prince-bishop of Lübeck, Johann took up permanent residence in the Eutin Castle , which he had expanded and expanded. He tried to attract scholars and scientists to his court and to promote the economic development of the prince-bishopric; however, its efforts were hampered by the outbreak of the plague in 1638 and 1639, while the Thirty Years' War placed further burdens on the country. So were in his capital Eutin both 1638/39 and 1643 Danish quartered troops, and in December 1643 a Swedish cavalry - regiment , which are supplied from the country had.

When, during the negotiations on the Peace of Westphalia in Osnabrück, the existence of the Princely Diocese of Lübeck was seriously endangered because there was a possibility that it could be assigned to other states as territorial compensation, Johann succeeded by skillfully selecting excellent negotiators - first David Gloxin from Lübeck , then the Chamber Councilor Christian Cassius - avert this danger and secure the existence of his country.


On May 7, 1640, Johann married Princess Julia Felicitas von Württemberg-Weiltingen (1619–1661), daughter of Duke Julius Friedrich . The marriage, which resulted in four children, was extremely unhappy. Since 1648, Johann tried to get a divorce , which he was finally able to achieve in 1653. The couple had the following children:

  • Christine Auguste Sabine (June 4, 1642 - May 20, 1650)
  • Julius Adolf Friedrich (October 2, 1643 - January 3, 1644)
  • Johann Julius Friedrich (February 17, 1646 - May 22, 1647)
  • Johann August (born August 3, 1647 - † January 29, 1686)


  • Jens Jensen: The divorce of Bishop Hans von Lübeck from Princess Julia Felicitas von Württemberg-Weiltingen AD 1648–1653. A contribution to the Protestant divorce law in the age of the beginning absolutism (= legal historical series. Volume 35). Lang, Frankfurt a. M. 1982, ISBN 3-8204-7458-7 (also Kiel University, dissertation 1983).
  • Ernst-Günther Prühs: History of the City of Eutin. Struve, Eutin 1994, ISBN 3-923457-23-5 .

Individual evidence

  1. For Julia Felicitas and marriage see Gerhard Raff : Hie gut Wirtemberg allewege. Volume 2: The House of Württemberg from Duke Friedrich I to Duke Eberhard III. With the Stuttgart, Mömpelgard, Weiltingen, Neuenstadt am Kocher, Neuenbürg and Oels lines in Silesia. 4th edition. Landhege, Schwaigern 2014, ISBN 978-3-943066-12-8 , pp. 615–636.
predecessor Office successor
Johann Friedrich of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf Prince-Bishop of Lübeck
Christian Albrecht of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf