Johannes Fürsen

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Johannes Fürsen (born February 23, 1606 in Hamburg ; † September 11, 1673 ibid) was a German Protestant theologian .


Fürsen studied at the University of Wittenberg , the University of Rostock and the University of Erfurt . In 1633 he became a pastor in an old monastery . From there he was expelled by the imperial troops in 1638 and went to Bremen , where he was appointed preacher at the cathedral by Archbishop Friedrich on September 23, 1638 . He conducted Lutheran services there for the first time since the closure in 1561 and helped to mediate the comparison of the city of Stade with the archbishop on October 4, 1639.

Since he was open to Denmark, he was removed from the cathedral by the Swedish government. Thereupon he accepted a diaconate at the Hamburg Katharinenkirche on December 28, 1656 , where he advanced to the position of archdeacon . In the confessional disputes that were going on at the time, he was considered a moderate theologian who was also generous towards enthusiasts .


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