Johannes Hoornbeek

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Johannes Hoornbeek

Johannes Hoornbeek (also: Hoornbeeck, Horenbeek ; born November 4, 1617 in Haarlem , † September 1, 1666 in Leiden ) was a Dutch Reformed theologian.


Hoornbeek's family roots lie in Flanders, from where his grandfather, named Johannes, fled to Holland from religious persecution in 1548. He was the son of the businessman Tobias Hornbeek and his wife Jannecke Baerts. After he had received his first education, he moved to the University of Leiden at the age of sixteen , where he lectured by Daniel Heinsius , Constantinus L'Empereur van Oppyck (1551-1648), Jacobus Golius (1596-1667), Franco Petri Burgersdijk , Antonius Thysius the Elder and Antonius Walaeus (1573-1639) visited. The plague forced him to leave Leiden and to begin his studies at the newly founded University of Utrecht in 1635 .

Here he became a student of Gisbert Voetius for a year . After resuming his studies in Leiden, he became a preacher in Mülheim am Rhein on March 1, 1639 . On December 21, 1643 he received his doctorate in theology in Utrecht under Voetius with the Disputationes decem anti-Judaicae (Utrecht 1644), was appointed preacher Maastricht on March 3, 1644 and professor of theology at the University of Utrecht on July 10, 1644 . He took up this office with the speech Oratio inauguralis de studio S. theologiae ... VI idus Julii (Utrecht 1644). The following year he became a preacher in Utrecht. In Utrecht he had taught the oriental languages, devoted to dogmatics and the interpretation of the New Testament.

After he had become rector of the Utrecht Alma Mater in 1650/51 , he went on June 9, 1654 as professor of theology at the University of Leiden, which office he assumed with the speech Oratio inauguralis de scholis theologicis ... (Leiden 1654). In that capacity he also had to endure hostility during that time. The reason for this may have been his own polemical behavior against other theological currents within the Reformed Church. As a supporter of his teacher Voetius, he represented the orthodox current of the Dutch Reformed Church and was an opponent of Johannes Coccejus (1603–1669) and Abraham Heidanus (1597–1678). Nevertheless, he was able to take part in the organizational tasks of the Leiden University and was rector of the Leiden Alma Mater in 1664/65 .

The sons Isaak and Hendrik Emilius come from his marriage to Anna Bernard.


  • Oratio inaug. de studio St. Theologiae, habita in Academia Ultrajectina ad susceptionem Professionis Theologicae Anno CIƆ IƆC XLIV die VI Idus Julii, Utrecht 1644
  • Disputationes X Anti-Judaicae, Utrecht 1644
  • De Paradoxis et Heterodoxis Weigelianis Commentarius, ubi et de Swenefeldo, alüsque similis indolis. Utrecht 1646
  • Disputationes de Baptismo Veterum. Utrecht 1647
  • De Disperatione salutari de se ipso. Leidae 1651
  • Apologiâ pro Ecclesiâ Christianâ hodiernâ non apostaticâ; opposita libello (van Abrah. Boreel), cwi titulus; Ad Legem et Testimonium, sive Erotematica propositio et dedactio etc., Amsterdam 1647
  • Belijdenis Predicatie over 1 Tim. III: 15, Utrecht 1648
  • Socininianismi confutati Tomus I, Utrecht 1650, Tomus II, Utrecht 1662, Tomus III, Utrecht 1664, Utrecht 1666, Leiden 1698,
  • Euthanasia, ofte wel sterven; was veel voorbeelden der stervenden en hun laetste doodtspreuken been hired, Utrecht 1651, 1660
  • Euthanasia, sive de arte moriendi. Utrecht 1600
  • Oratio in Obitum Cl. V. Caroli de Maets, Theologi eximii. Utrecht 1651
  • Examination Bullae Papalis quâ Pontifex Innocentius X abrogare nititur Pacem Germaniae. Accedunt Bullae Urbani VIII de suppressione Jesuitissarum, de cultu imaginum, de festis: una cum saholüs: additâ Bullâ Clementis VI Pontificis quâ mandat Angelis Paradisi etc., Utrecht 1652, Frankfurt 1653, (was banned in Rome on June 10, 1658)
  • Summa controversiarum Religionis cum Infidelibus, Haerctiois, Schismaticis, id est, Gentilibus Judaeis, Muhammedanis, Papistis Anabaptistis, Enthusiastis, et Libertinis: Socinianis, Remonstrantibus, Lutheranis, Brownistis, Graecis, Frankfurt 1653, Utrecht 1658, Colberg 1676,
  • Institutiones Theologicae, Utrecht 1653, Leiden 1658
  • Oratio de Ecclesiarum inter se communione, dicta in Academia Ultrajectinâ die II Maii an CIƆ IƆC LIV. Utrecht 1654
  • Oratio inauguralis de Scholis theologicis, dicta in Acad. Lugduno - Batavâ, freguentissimo auditorio, the IX Junii Anno CIƆ ICƆ LIV Leiden 1654
  • Dissertatio de Peste, Theologica, Lugd. Bat. 1655. Ook in de Variorum Tractatus Theologici de Peste, Leiden 1654
  • Pro convincendis et convertendis Judaeis et Gentilibus Libri VIII, Leiden 1655
  • Orationes habitae in Academiâ Ultrajectinâ I Inauguralis ad susceptionem Professionis Theologicae - Altera funebris in obitum Cl. V. Caroli de Maets - Tertia discesoria. CIƆ IƆC LIV the secundâ Maii, Utrecht 1658
  • De observanda a Christianis praecepto Decalogi quarto, the Dominicâ Leiden 1659, 1659
  • Heyliginge van Gods Naam en Dagh ofte tighten tegen vloeken en sweeren; ende van de onderhoudinge van des Heeren-dags-heyliging, Leiden 1659
  • Gisberti Voetii Disputatie van geestelicke verlatinge, vervolgt door Joh.Hoornbeeck, Dordrecht 1659
  • Epistolae ad Johannem Duraeum Scoto-Britannum, quâ respondetur Examini Johannis Beverley de Indepentissimo. Addita est Independentiûm in Anglia confession. Suffering 1660
  • Ook cum Jacobi Usserii Disputatione de reducendo Episcopatu ad formam regiminis Synodici. Suffering 1661
  • Epistola ad eundem de Indepentismo, Leiden 1661
  • Dissertatio de veterum concionibus. Utrecht 1663
  • Dissertatio de consociatione Euangelicâ Reformatorum, et Augustinae confessionis, sive de colloquio Cassellano, anno CIƆ IƆC LXI habito, Amsterdam 1663 (This treatise was titled by Abraham Calovus with the Dissertatio aan in een boek: Δοϰιμαστ Reformatorum et Augustinae confessionis, Witteberg 1667 answered)
  • Theologiae Practicae Tomi II. Leiden 1663, Utrecht 1689, Frankfurt 1698
  • Capitula Patrum. Utrecht 1665
  • Irenicum, sive de studio pacis et concordiae; et Oratio de prudential. Utrecht 1606
  • Disputationum Theologicarum Anticocianarum compendium. Utrecht 1666
  • De conversione Indorum et Gentilium libri II, Accessit ejusdem vita ab Amico, (David Stuart) edita. Amsterdam 1669, Leiden 1662, 1663,
  • Methodus, sive Tractatus de ratione concionandi. With the Compendium Theol. Dogmaticae van Andreas Essenius. Utrecht 1669, 1682, 1685
  • Vetera et nova, sive Exercitationum Theologicarum libri III, quorum ultimus ex parte complectitur materias, quas Auctor Tomo III Theologiae suae Practicae destinaverat. Accedunt ejusdem orationes quaedam Utrecht 1672
  • Korte en naerder verdediginge van de waare kerk, gestelt tegen de wyser van de paepse kerk, Utrecht 1649
  • Concept van redres over 't stuk van leeninge omtr. the poor, 2e dr., Leiden 1659
  • Aanvang en vorgang der Armenianerye door A. Montanus, Rijstenius en Hoornbeek. Schoonhoven 1662
  • Sondag Rust-dagh des Heeren end daarin toont conciliaty van verscheyde disputen, dienaangaande, Leiden 1659
  • Berigt van den Sabbath. Utrecht 1663
  • Miscellanea sacra, Exercitationes et orationes, lectissimae cujusvis argumenti, Leiden 1674, Utrecht 1677


  • EF Karl Müller:  Hoornbeek, Johannes . In: Realencyklopadie for Protestant Theology and Church (RE). 3. Edition. Volume 8, Hinrichs, Leipzig 1900, p. 350.
  • Abraham Jacob van der Aa : Biographical Woordenboek der Nederlanden. Verlag JJ van Brederode, Haarlem, 1867, Vol. 8, Part 2, 1230–1234 ( Online , Dutch)
  • Knipscheer: HOORNBEE (C) K (Johannes) . In: Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen , Petrus Johannes Blok : Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . (NNBW) Verlag AW Sijthoff's Uitgevers-Maatschappij, Leiden, 1930, Vol. 8, Sp. 843-844 ( online , Dutch)
  • GP van Itterzon: Hoornbeek (Hoornbeeck, Horenbeek), Johannes. In: Biografisch lexicon voor de geschiedenis van het Nederlands protestantisme. Verlag JH Kok, Kampen, 1983, Vol. 2, pp. 259–261 ( online , Dutch)
  • Johannes Hoornbeck In: B. Glasius: Biographical Woordenboek van Nederlandsche Godgeleerden. Verlag Gebr. Muller, 's-Hertogenbosch, 1853, Vol. 2, pp. 147–150, ( Online , Dutch)

Individual evidence

  1. Album Studiosorum Academiae Rheno-Traiectinae, MDCXXXVI-MDCCCLXXXVI. Accedunt nomina Curatorum et Professorum per eadem secula. JL Beijers et J. van Boekhoven, 1886, Sp. 23.