Johannes Ruhland

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Johannes Ruhland OSB (born May 28, 1905 in Augsburg , † October 21, 1981 in Augsburg) was a German religious and Benedictine . He was Abbot of St. Stephan in Augsburg (1941–1970) and Abbot Preses of the Bavarian Benedictine Congregation (1958–1961).


Johannes Ruhland taught astronomy and physics at the Philosophical College near St. Stephan .

In 1968 Johannes Ruhland was appointed Knight of the Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher by Cardinal Grand Master Eugène Cardinal Tisserant and on July 8, 1968 in Munich by Lorenz Cardinal Jaeger , Grand Prior of the German Lieutenancy, and Hermann Josef Abs , Lieutenant in Germany, in the Order invested.


He was awarded the Bavarian Order of Merit.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Vademecum of German Teaching and Research Centers (Volume 5), Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft 1968
  2. Bavarian Order of Merit , inspection on January 9, 2015
predecessor Office successor
Placidus Glogger Abbot of the Benedictine Abbey in Augsburg
Albert Brettner
Sigisbert Mitterer Abbot praeses of the Bavarian Benedictine Congregation
Johannes Maria Hoeck