Johannes Schottky

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Johannes Schottky (born September 17, 1902 in Frankfurt / Oder ; † 1992 ) was a German psychiatrist , racial hygienist , SS leader and director of the Hildburghausen state hospital in Thuringia .


In 1928 Schottky made the medical state examination. From 1930 to 1933 he was an assistant doctor at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry in the psychiatric department in Schwabing Hospital . In 1933 he became department head in the staff office of the Reichsbauernführer in the inheritance and health management department. From 1936 to 1945 Schottky was director of the Hildburghausen State Hospital. Schottky was a member of the SS and achieved the rank of Obersturmbannführer there . After 1945 he practiced as a neurologist in Herford .

In the Soviet occupation zone , his work The Inheritance in Humans with Special Consideration of Physical and Mental Disabilities (1938) was placed on the list of literature to be segregated.

State Hospital Hildburghausen

Around 1,500 sick people were housed in the Hildburghausen state sanatorium and nursing home. They were mostly schizophrenics , occasionally also epileptics and feeble-minded people . In the course of the use of hospitals for purposes important to the war effort, partial evacuation took place from 1940. 250 (or 220) beds were made available for English prisoners of war.

According to research by Michael Kühne, Superintendent in Hildburghausen, between 1939 and 1944 up to 750 patients were removed from the sanatorium. At least 630 patients from the T4 campaign fell victim to the four sanatoriums in the Thuringian region ( Blankenhain state sanatorium , Hildburghausen state hospital, Pfafferode state hospital and nursing home near Mühlhausen and Stadtroda state hospital ) .

Fonts (selection)

As an author:

  • The change in the effect of alcohol when eating fatty or protein foods at the same time. In: Psychological work. Vol. 9 (1928), pp. 384-434 (dissertation, University of Munich, 1930).
  • Dealing with the mentally ill in the family. With a foreword by Julius Wagner-Jauregg . Maudrich, Vienna 1933; 2nd, supplemented edition: Dealing with the mentally ill. A guide for family members and carers. 1940.
  • Heredity in humans with special consideration of physical and mental ailments. Lehmann, Munich 1934; 2nd, improved edition 1938.
  • Marriage and sickness. Maudrich, Vienna 1940.

As editor:

  • with Otmar von Verschuer : Advances in genetic pathology, racial hygiene and their border areas (journal).
  • Personality in the light of hereditary teaching. Teubner, Leipzig 1936.
  • Race and disease. Lehmann, Munich 1937.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lothar Blatt: About Alois Alzheimer's work and life (1864-1915). Frankfurt am Main 2012, p. 463 (historical dissertation, University of Frankfurt am Main, 2012).
  2. ^ German Administration for National Education in the Soviet Zone of Occupation, List of Literature to be Separated First Supplement, Berlin: Zentralverlag, 1947 , p. 127 ff.
  3. Willy Schilling: Hitler's Trutzgau. Thuringia in the Third Reich 2: 1939–1945. Bussert & Stadeler, Jena 2007, ISBN 3-932906-63-2 , p. 41.
  4. Willy Schilling: Hitler's Trutzgau. Thuringia in the Third Reich 2: 1939–1945. Bussert & Stadeler, Jena 2007, ISBN 3-932906-63-2 , p. 50.
  5. Today the Nazi victims are commemorated at the Hildburghausen Specialist Hospital . In: Free Word . June 17, 2009.
  6. Susanne Zimmermann: Transfer to death. National Socialist “Child Euthanasia” in Thuringia. State Center for Political Education Thuringia, Erfurt 2005, p. 24.