Johannes van Voorst

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Johannes van Voorst

Johannes van Voorst (born March 17, 1757 in Delft , † July 29, 1833 in Leiden ) was a Dutch Reformed theologian, church historian and librarian.


The son of the shoemaker Willem van Vorst and his wife Magdalena van den Berg attended high school in his hometown. On September 10, 1773, he enrolled at Leiden University to study theology and oriental languages. At that time, David Ruhnken and Lodewijk Caspar Valckenaer became influential teachers in the classical languages ​​of Jan Jacob Schultens in the oriental languages . In philosophy it was Dionysius van de Wijnpersse and in theology Aegidius Gillissen . After he in 1778 in the treatise Dissertatio phil. de notabili correctionum Masorethicarum genere, quod spectat loca controversa, ubi negativam in affirmativam, et affirmativam contra in negativam sententiam converti valunt , he went to Hall near Zutphen as pastor in the same year.

In 1780 he moved to Wageningen and in 1781 to Zierikzee in the same capacity . During that time he participated as a writer on various topics related to church issues. Among other things, the works Over de dwaasheid van het Skepticismus of der twijfelarij en de onbezonnenheid van het meesterachtig beslissen omtrent godsdienstige voorstellen, alsmede over the middenweg tusschen both (Haarlem 1787), Over de allernaauwste betrekkingo en zeer Heilzamen invloed of the hidden , en other betwiste leerstukken op onze Gelukzaligheid (1787) and Over de Echtheid en ongeschondenheid van Mattheus Evangelie en bijzonder over Matth. 28: 19 (1788). On February 20, 1788, the curators of Franeker University decided to appoint him professor of theology and church history, for which he received an honorary doctorate in theology from the university's senate on March 3, 1788.

He took over the office assigned to him on June 2, 1788 with the speech de temporum nostrum ad promovandam religionis causam opportunitate (Franeker 1788). After he had become rector of the Alma Mater in 1790/91, when resigning from his position he gave the rector's speech de injusto theologiae ad scholae legem diligenter exactae contemtu (Franeker 1791). On June 25, 1797 he was called to Arnhem as pastor , which call he followed. On March 20, 1799 the curators of the University of Leiden decided to appoint him to the chair of philosophy, church history and Christianity, which he accepted on June 1, 1799 with the speech de Scriptorum veterum Christianorum studio prudenter et liberaliter excolendo (Leiden 1799) . On April 10, 1800 he had also been given the lectures on exegesis of the New Testament and on October 15, 1803, he moved to the theological faculty in this capacity. During this time his main literary work Compendium Theologiae Christianae (Leiden 1808), which saw new editions in 1814 and 1827, was created. 1815-20 he was in Leiden academy preacher, in 1816 adjunct of the university librarian and in 1820 the institution's first librarian .

He also took part in the organizational tasks of the university and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1803/04, 1808/09 and 1816/17 . From 1804 to 1818 he was director of the orphanage in Leiden. In 1803 he became a member of the Society of Dutch Literature in Leiden, in 1809 co-director of the Society for the Defense of the Christian Religion in The Hague (Dutch: Haagsche Genootschap Tot Verdediging Van de Christelijke Godsdienst), for eleven years he was a member of the reading society Miscens Utile Dulci, 1818 –1834 civil member of the Society for Charity in Leiden, 1819 member of the Provincial Utrecht Society of Arts and Sciences (Dutch: Provinciaal Utrechtsch genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen (PUG)) and on February 22, 1824 member of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Sciences . In 1827 he retired from his professorship in Leiden and spent the last years of his life in the place where he last worked.

In 1779 he married Henrika Amalia Noordink (* 1759 in Deventer; † April 18, 1840 in Leiden), the daughter of Hendrik Noordink and Margaretha Bouwmeester. Children grew out of marriage. One knows the son Willem Hendric van Voorst (born September 17, 1791 in Franeker; November 24, 1855 Haarlem) and the daughter Adriana Magdalena van Voorst (born November 14, 1779)


  • Dissertatio philologica de notabili correctionum Massorethicorum genere, quod spectat loca controversa, ubi negativam in affirmativam, et affirmativam contra in negativam sententiam converti valunt. Leiden 1778
  • Over de dwaasheid van het skepticisme of the twijfelarij en de onbezonnenheid van het meesterachtig beslissen omtrent godsdienstige voorstellen, alsmede over the middenweg both kiss. In: Teyler's Verhandelingen, VII. Haarlem 1787
  • Over de allernaauwste trekking en zeer Heilzame invloed van het geloof der Verborgenheden en other betwiste empty stukken op onze happiness. In: Verh. HG 1787
  • Proeve over de egtheid en ongeschondenheid van Mattheus euangelie en bijzonder over Matth. 28: 19. In: Verh. HG 1788; The Hague-Amsterdam-Haarlem 1789
  • Oratio de temporum nostrorum ad promovendam religionis causam opportunitate. Franeker 1788; Dutch translated: Amsterdam 1797
  • Oratio de injusto theologiae ad scholae legem diligenter exactae contemtu. Franeker 1791
  • Negotiating ten betooge dat God eigenlijk gezegde straffen op de overtreding zijner Wetten bedreigd heeft en dat Hij, as right, de zonden dadelijk punishes. In: Verh. HG 1794; Amsterdam-The Hague 1796
  • Oratio de scriptorum veterum Christianorum studio prudenter et liberaliter excolendo. Leiden 1799
  • Negotiating over de koninglijke waardigheid en opperheerschappij van Jesus Christ. In: Verh. HG 1798, Amsterdam 1799
  • Oratio de JA Ernestio optimo post H. Grotium duce et magistro interpretum Novi Foederis. Leiden 1804
  • Compendii theologiae christianae ordo et argumentum, pars theoretica. Leiden, 1808, 3rd vol .; 1827
  • Oratio de populari religione christiana disciplinae ex legitimae Sacrorum Librorum interpretationis fonte praecipue haurienda. Leiden 1809
  • Annotationum in loca selecta Novi Foederis tria specimina. Leiden, 1810–1812, 3rd parts
  • Over some grondstellingen, the bij de voortgezette verdediging van den christelijken godsdienst moesten vaststaan ​​(...). In: Verh. HG 1811
  • Oratio de commodis atque emolumentis quae e singulari Principium Europaeorum in religione christiana his temporibus proitenda, consensu, sperare et augurare liceat. Leiden 1817
  • Animadversiones de usu verborum cum prepositionibus comparativis in Novum Testamentum. Leiden 1818, 2nd part; 1821
  • Empty speeches with special occasions and some others. The Hague, 1819
  • Over de steeds voortdurende behoefte van regte bijbelkennis (...). In: Verh. HG 1819
  • Van Hugo de Groot deserves letters. Amsterdam 1826
  • Annotation ad J. Chrysostomi selecta Graece et Latine, cum praefatione et annotationibus. Leiden, 1827, 2nd parts; 1830
  • Oratio in memoriam beneficiorum Dei in mime re publico cum ecclesiastico turn academico, decem lustra feliciter gesto, in se collatorum solemniter celebravit. Leiden 1828


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