Johannis Tidemann

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Johannis Tidemann (excerpt from the Rubenow panel)

Johannis Tidemann († before 1456 in Greifswald ) was a German lawyer.


Tidemann was enrolled in Rostock in 1419 and was rector there between 1426/27 as Licentiatus of Roman law . In 1432/33 he became a doctor of both rights. In February 1437 Tidemann took part in the Provincial Council of Archbishop of Riga Henning Scharpenberg . As a friend and assistant to Heinrich Rubenow , Tidemann was one of the founders of the University of Greifswald .

Johannis Tidemann was buried in St. Nikolai in Greifswald. He is shown on the Rubenow plaque in Greifswald Cathedral (4th from left) with the other professors Bernhard Bodeker , Wilken Bolen , Johannes Lamside , Bertold Segeberg and Nicolaus Theodorici de Amsterdam .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
predecessor Office successor
Nicolaus Theodorici de Amsterdam Rector of the University of Rostock
WS 1426/1427
Albert Schröter