John Edmond Mansion

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John Edmond Mansion (born October 18, 1870 in Dreux , Département Eure-et-Loir , † June 9, 1942 ) was a British Romance studies , English studies and lexicographer of French origin.


Jean Edmond Mansion had a French father and an English mother. He grew up in France, went to Edinburgh for a few years in 1879 and graduated from Dreux in 1889. He became a teacher in England and was a teacher in Southport from 1890 . In 1901 he married an Englishwoman and acquired British citizenship. He taught in Belfast (1901–1909) and Edinburgh (1909–1914).

In 1914 he went to the publishing house founded by George Godfrey Harrap in 1901 and made it up to the publishing director. After the publication of a grammar of French, he devoted the rest of his life to developing a large French-English, English-French dictionary ( Harrap's Standard ), which was completed in 1939 and is still sold today in its shortened form ( Harrap's Shorter ) in 1944 ( 9th edition 2010).


  • A grammar of present-day French , London 1919 (numerous editions, also ud T. A School grammar of present-day French )
  • Harrap's Standard French and English dictionary. French-English English-French , 2 vols., London 1934–1939 (912, 1488 pages, new edition ud T. Harrap's New Standard French and English Dictionary by René Pierre Louis Ledésert and Dorothy Margaret Ledésert , Paris 1972–1980)
  • Harrap's shorter French and English dictionary , 2 Bde., London 1940–1944 (688, 940 pages, new edition and T. Harrap's New Shorter French and English Dictionary , London 1982; 8th edition, 2007)


  • Obituary in: French Studies 35, 1981, pp. 118–119
  • Franz Josef Hausmann, 309. La lexicographie bilingue anglais-français, français-anglais, in: Dictionaries. Dictionaries. Dictionnaires. An international handbook on lexicography. Third volume , ed. by Franz Josef Hausmann , Oskar Reichmann, Herbert Ernst Wiegand and Ladislav Zgusta , Berlin. New York 1991, pp. 2956-2960

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